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Last Stage In Cancer

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In cancer, the stage tells how far it has grown. The staging of cancer helps in deciding the treatment; treatment is given or administered according to the stage of the cancer. Staging is determined using tests and scans; they give information about the stage it is in. For example, staging shows whether the cancer is contained within the liver or whether it has spread to other parts of the body.
Staging of cancer by doctors has led to diagnosis of five stages; stage 0 stage 1, stage 2, stage 3 and lastly stage 4. Stage 0 is in situ cancer; stage 1 is localized cancer, although further local spread may take it to stage 2; stage 2 also usually includes spread to the nearest lymph nodes; stage 3 usually indicates more …show more content…
Some cancer though never goes beyond this stage.
The first stage is also called ‘Localized cancer’. At this stage, the cancer cells have the ability to pass through the 'basement membrane', this is the thin, fibrous boundary to the tissue in which the cancer began from, and to invade neighboring tissue. This invasion is critical because it indicates that the developing cancer cell can be a threat to life. While cancer remains partly in the tissue where it began and partly in a neighboring tissue, it is said to be in the localized stage.
Stage 2 and 3 or the regional spread is a common step where one of the infected cancer daughter cells to invade through a lymph to the blood stream. Even though, the cancer cell can be held up in a lymph node, where the body's immune system is strong. There it might be attacked by antigens and antibodies as an immune response which can go on to destroy it and the other cancer cells. On the other hand, it can divide and form a lump in the lymph node. This is what is called the regional spread. This is when the cancer has spread where it first began but not to other parts of the …show more content…
Stage 4 means the cancer has spread to another body organ; it is also called the distant spread or metastasis. Metastasis is the spread of a cancer from one organ to another or from one part to another not directly connected with it. This step can be in a couple forms, cells from the lump in the lymph node may go further through the lymph vessels to more further lymph nodes or even into the blood stream and cells from the original lump may also invade a capillary and enter the blood stream. When the cancer cells are in the blood stream, they can move to anywhere in the body system, they will form new colonies and spread further thus the distant spread stage. This stage is further divided into two categories, stage 4A and

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