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An Article with Which You Do Not Agree


Submitted By ronnie72172
Words 387
Pages 2
Article Analysis
An article published by Science Daily outlines a new study which claims that “electronic game use is associated with childhood obesity” (Science Daily, 2004, Par. 1). I disagree with this article because the study seems to break the very basic rule of statistics: correlation does not imply causation. The following will outline why I feel this article makes an unrealistic claim which has not been properly backed up by enough scientific study and experiment.
While I agree that the overuse of electronics can lead to a more sedentary lifestyle for children, I do not think the study provided enough information to claim that electronic game use leads to obesity. Instead, it is taking two very common events and then implying that there is causation between the two. The study itself seemed to be performed and presented in a correct and scientific manner, but its results cannot imply a perfect example of causation. For example, the study makes the following claims: “In a study published in the June issue of the Journal of Obesity Research, researchers from The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the University Hospital Zurich present a strong association between playing electronic video games and childhood obesity” (Par. 1). I cannot agree that this claim is valid or should be taken seriously by the reader simply because the study chose two very common events among children and then assumes that they are associated with one another. This would be similar to claiming that owning a cell phone is associated to having tooth plaque. I am simply taking two very common events which would more than likely be present among a given sample of people and then claiming that they are somehow associated with one another.
While the article and the study present an interesting foundation or start in order to see the effects of electronic use among children, I think that it makes too much of a jump toward its claim. It uses a logical fallacy to conclude that correlation is causation between the two variables, making the study less credible and less reliable for parents. I think further research must be performed before the article could make such a claim.

“Electronic Game Use is Associated with Childhood Obesity”. (2004). Science Daily. Retrieved from

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