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Should Abortion Be Illegal?


Submitted By Ngar1997
Words 340
Pages 2
Should Abortion be Illegal? The topic that I have chosen is as shown in the title is “Should Abortion be Illegal?”. I have read through some articles with many different opinions but have not come to a conclusion on my own, I can both agree and disagree with this certain topic.
In the 1960s and early 70s the U.S began to repel their bans on abortion saying that abortion bans we’re unconstitutional. With this came the Roe vs. Wade which meant that woman have the right to make decisions about their own bodies. This is why abortion is still legal and may never become illegal.
A reason in which some people agree that abortion should be made illegal is that I believe that killing your own child even though it is not fully developed is a terrible thing to do, and I personally believe that even if you do not want or can not support the child you still have other decisions then taking its own life. in a recent article that I have read it said made the point that murder is illegal, and the only thing preventing abortion from being included in the definition of murder is that it is currently not “unlawful” (Brown). Its also a known fact that the 14th Amendment was designed to protect the unborn therefore stating that abortion should not be legal.
In a different article I read the author stated that “countries where abortion is illegal have a higher abortion rate than countries where abortion is safe and legal”(Johnson). Two important reasons in which I agree that no abortion should not be illegal is that like stated earlier, woman do have the right to do with their bodies. Whether they choose to or not it is their own personal decision that no one else can make for them.
In conclusion I believe that no abortion should not be made illegal because everyone has the right to do what they feel is right for themselves and the life they live.

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