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Arguments Against Abortion

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The last few years the number of illegal abortions has decreased and the protection of woman has increased, this is because abortion has become more readily available, nevertheless that could change. The law regarding abortion and women’s rights are being observed at for changes for the worst, the elimination of abortion clinics, a diminution in the number of qualified abortionists and the harassing of women who consider an abortion. This raises an important question, “Should the decision of having an abortion be up to the mother or society?” To decide which choice is right, stakeholders will be analysed and issues surrounding abortion will be looked at. Though the ideal choice is for the mother to decide.
Abortions are the deliberate termination …show more content…
Bernard Nathanson, 2015), which would be good if it wasn’t for the fact that the foetus itself cannot live outside the womb unless it is fully developed. The heart starts beating at around 6 weeks, surgical abortion procedures are conducted at 7 weeks and up, the foetus would have only had its heart beating for a week, not for months, and later abortions are rarely performed. At 20 weeks if an abortion is needed, it will most likely be that there are complications either to the mother or the foetus, so either the mother or the foetus will be in a fatal condition. (B.A Robinson, 2010) Should that decision then be decided to not do the abortion and then risk the life of the mother? No, nonetheless that would be the case if there are no abortion clinics or worse the mother would be rushed to the hospital because they sought other ways to terminate their pregnancy which could have been an illegal abortion or worse they tried …show more content…
The documentary ‘The Abortion Diaries’ (Penny Lane, 2005) is used as an educational video by doctors and abortionists, and speaks out about the silence surrounding abortion and has people who have had illegal abortions. These women should not suffer and stay quiet, they need all the support they can get from everyone. The current laws are barely in favour of this and will soon be heading back towards having to resort to illegal abortions in back alleys. Society needs to respect the decision of mothers. So looking at all the evidence from both sides it can be deduced that it is more important to respect the decision of the mother and to keep abortion a reliable option.
In the past when abortion procedures weren’t performed professionally and not a lot of clinics around, there was an increase in illegal abortions, and children being thrown in dumpsters. In 1955 there was around 200,000-1,200,000 illegal abortions. (Paul B. Hoeber, 1958) This was neither good for mother or child. So gradually clinics started opening to stop illegal abortions happening and having heaps of patients that are injured from those harmful

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