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Abortion Should Be Illegal In The United States

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There have been over fifty-five million abortions in the United States since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide in 1973 ( Imagine if all these people would have made a different decision, fifty-five million lives could have been saved. According to Michael Snyder the three thousand people who died in 9/11 are equal to the number of abortions that occur each day. The United States has the highest abortion rate and eighteen percent of them are on teenagers. Abortion should be illegal in the United States to save millions of unborn children's lives.It is a huge issue in this day in time. The decision to have an abortion is saying that murder is a normal everyday thing.
When people think about …show more content…
They would rather give up their baby then grow up and raise their child. Women use reasons such as: they can't handle a baby, they're too young, or they just don't want children. About News states “there is no such thing as an unwanted child.” There are women all over the world who can't have children and instead of giving your babies to someone who can provide a good home to them most people would just get an abortion and never think twice. Another excuse for women getting an abortion is that they have been raped. Well according to About News there is a procedure that women can have done when they have been raped that will prevent them from getting pregnant, which means that is no longer an excuse for wanting an abortion. Abortion should not be used as another form of birth control. Women should take control of their bodies because they can control whether or not they get …show more content…
I never did until recently and I finally understand what a terrible thing it is. Before people decide to get abortions they should think of the consequences. Even though women should have the right to do what they want with their bodies abortion shouldn't be an option no matter what the circumstances are. There's always another option such as, putting your baby up for adoption because plenty of families would love to adopt your baby. I strongly disagree with women having abortions. The fact that fifty-five million abortions have been done since 1973 ( honestly makes me sick to my stomach. How could someone let their baby be torn apart and then be turned into a science experiment just because they wanna be selfish? It takes a messed up individual to have an abortion knowing all the terrible things that could have been

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