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Roe Vs. Wade Decision To Legalize Abortion

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The choice whether to have a child or children is a women’s right to privacy. It is the central right for a women to own her independence and to have the ability to determine her future just like it is for a man. According to Webster’s Dictionary abortion is the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in or closely followed by the death of an embryo or fetus. The Roe vs. Wade decision to legalize abortion throughout the United States is in fact acceptable. Often in today’s society the topic abortion brings so much controversy and conflict to our human race it is thought upon to be a disgrace considering abortion murder. As abortion recognizes a women’s right to privacy to choose whether or not to have a child it simply expresses …show more content…
Const. am. 4.). The 14th Amendment states that everyone born in the United States may exercise their rights as citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws (U.S. Const. am. 14.). Modern abortion procedures are safe, neither do they seem to cause long lasting health issues however illegal abortions seem to jeopardize a women’s well-being. Even though abortions have been legalized since 1973 in the United States there once was an interlude to where they weren’t (Cohen 2). The restrictive laws on illegalizing abortions didn’t end abortion yet it took a magnificent toll on public relations. Pregnancy related deaths and hospitalizations due to complications of unsafe abortion were recognized, it was clear that the restrictive laws they had placed on abortions were not ending abortion this in fact led to the legalization of abortions …show more content…
Legal and safe abortions are necessary to protect the health of women, they should always be allowed in most cases whether its rape, incest, fetal delays or just a natural decision made as women. Delaying the procedure making them carry out an unwanted pregnancy is cruel and unfit punishment no one should be made to bare an unwanted child. Often delaying women the right to terminate her pregnancy leads women to seek illegal abortions services causing major complications endangering the women’s health. For example: the impact of the Hyde Amendment which restricts millions of women from receiving an abortion. Women who are considered low income and enrolled in Medicaid, Native American enrolled in the Indian health services, in federal person, serving in the military or peace crops are all being restricted because in 1976 Congress passed a law which prohibits Medicaid coverage of abortion (Henshaw).As we speak there’s a low income women somewhere selling her things in risk of being hungry and evicted all because she used her rent money to pay for an abortion and the Hyde Amendment is to blame (Henshaw). According to Henshaw, “1 in 4 women enrolled in Medicaid who wants to terminate her pregnancy is unable to obtain an abortion because of the Hyde Amendment”

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