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Argument Rebuttal


Submitted By emozee82
Words 694
Pages 3
Article Rebuttal on Pro Choice
BCOM 275
August 5, 2013
Michael Frank

The controversial topic that this paper will discuss is the right to pro choice. Pro choice being the woman’s right to decide abortion as an alternative to pregnancy. After reading the article “Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice: Annihilating the Abortion Argument” by Hank Hanegraaff, in which uses the acronym (A-B-O-R-T-I-O-N) to discuss the reasons why abortion should not be legal. I will provide a rebuttal to this article as to why I do not agree with these views and I will discuss how pro-choice is a necessary option for all women. In Hank Hanegraaff’s article he discusses his views on pro life. He goes on to state his reasons why pro –life is much more important than pro-choice. He states that pro-choice advocates attack people rather than issues facing abortion and pro-life advocates. To further prove his point of view he uses biblical references, as he understands, to state that abortion is nothing more than killing another human being, in which the Bible states “Thou shall not kill”. He uses that abortion is a violation of the sixth amendment, as if abortion is against the law. Hank also states that when abortion is the result of pregnancy from rape or incest, that one should not compound the situation by aborting the unwanted child. He states that “two wrongs, do not make it right” (Hanegraaff, 2009). He also states that a study said that .06 percent of pregnancies are from rape or incest (Hanegraaff, 2009) My argument is that he does not know the mental, psychological or financial status of the women who have chosen to have an abortion. These statuses play heavily on woman, because it may not be able to care for a child. You also have to consider the children that are conceived by a drug addicted mother or father. The unborn child may die that way. No where does the article discuss that.

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