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Personal Statement: Exploring The Art Classroom

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I remember the times I passed the art classroom, decorated with new art pieces, and saw Ms. Herbert´s reddish hair sway by her side as she went from one student to the next. In 7th grade, I had to choose what elective, which wasn’t really challenging because I already knew what elective to choose, art. I had done art since elementary school, but that wasn’t the reason I wanted to join. I had heard that in Ms. Herbert´s art class you can make your own art pieces with only her consent. I remember how many times I had wished for a teacher to give us the liberty to create or do what our hearts desired. After I got picked for the art elective, I remember waiting for Ms. Herbert to come outside and when she opened the door, I saw the look of astonishment on everyone's face when we saw that she was wearing an apron handily made with complex designs we didn't even know how to make. It was just a beautiful sight to see. Everyone had gotten into …show more content…
She is someone that I appreciate and admire. I love her artwork and the amount of effort she puts into things to make them perfect. I admire the way she knows how to help each and one of us individually with our art and advice us the best as possible. Also, she is very patience and compassionate. She has been their in my days of glory, such as when I earned my scholastic award and my Jvase medals. I really love the days when she speaks to me about her instead of art. I admire how she comes to school no matter if she is sick. The best thing about her is that no matter who we are we don’t have to be the best painters, sculptures, etc, she accepts anyone who really loves art and appreciates its meaning. She is someone that offers her opinion not only in art, but also in your life if you need someone to talk to. She also encourages us to go to an art college because she always says we have a great potential and that´s what makes her special, she never gives up on

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