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Should Women Be Allowed Access To Abortion In The United States?

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In all 50 states abortion is legal. Do you feel women should be aloud the choice to have an abortion or not? Abortion is a subject that many women, sometimes even men, have strong feelings about. Some men and women are pro-life meaning they are against abortion, others are pro-choice meaning that they are for abortion. Although some people believe that the fetus is a human being there is still many reasons to show that abortion is a good thing. A few of those many reasons abortion should be legal is that women should have the right to do what they want to their bodies, if abortion was illegal women would find other ways to perform an abortion so it would be much safer for them, and the last reason is that some people who get pregnant just aren't ready for a kid. In a place where everyone believes different things it's hard to share your personal opinions, abortion is one of those things that many people have different opinions on. …show more content…
Abortion should be a choice you have not matter what the reason for pregnancy is. “... argues that women, not politicians should have the right to make their own reproductive choices.” (Abortion: To what extent should women be allowed access to abortion in the United States? 3). Women deserve to have the rights of their bodies. Everyone knows personally what is better for themselves rather than someone else telling you what they think is best. How would you feel if someone else told you that you do something that needed to be done? If women were always told they couldn't do something they would feel as if they have no control of their own

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