...crippling” –Becca Fitzpatrick Human trafficking is a threat that occurs in the blink of an eye. It mugs people of their right of inherent freedom. It is indeed, heartless. The sufferers end devastated, dejected and defeated. Those victimised may never be able to live normal lives again especially from the physical, emotional and mental trauma. They live in constant fear and may up end being psychologically conceded. It is an immoral state in which is one of the greatest ethical challenges facing the modern times It paints a picture of inequality. With this, it is every right over his or her life, and the victims are bound to sell their freedom. We as a collective should create more awareness of human trafficking because it’s one of the most occurring/progressing crimes of today. We as a whole should consider looking more into it and how it contributes/effects so many. Firstly, why it is important and what is the reality of it. –What we don’t know about it and how it should more focused on in the media It has established itself as a 25 billion dollar industry which has its principal participants as financiers, unprincipled recruiters and unethical public officials. Slavery isnt been a problem that has been abolished, and it isn’t something that happens in undeveloped of backward countries either. It continues in the most developed countries in the world such as the U.S and UK As we grew up, we have been “taught” that we don't value one human life over another, yet, human...
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...1st, 2001, when the Netherlands became the first country to legalize gay marriage, the matter has become a controversial topic all over the world, including here in the United States. Thirty-six U.S. states have banned same-sex unions, however, many people believe homosexual marriage should be legal in all states. Supporters of this view point out the immorality of restricting people from marrying. Also, they note that no one is in any way superior to anyone else and no one should have the power to dictate anyone else’s rights. Lastly, proponents will make it clear that being homosexual is not something one can simply alter by choice. Although some may not agree, gay marriage should be legalized. First of all, same-sex marriage should be given a thumbs up in all states due to morality. The word “marry” is defined as “to unite.” (Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language) If blacks and whites, Christians and atheists, men and women, old and young, and many more have the right “to unite,” why shouldn’t gays have the same right? In a country where our creeds are thought to be, “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” why is it that some are denied these rights which are meant to be unalienable? Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. states in his famous “I Have a Dream” speech, “…when we allow freedom to ring; when we let it ring from every village...
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...situations and circumstances happen that force us to be what we never imagined yet these acts are normal to them and nothing is wrong. A normal person does something that cast doubts whether that person was really in a stable mind. Cases have been reported where real parents especially the father killing the child and also murdering the mother this is an onslaught murder. Cases of homicides been reported on a daily basis in the federal bureau of police. But why does this happen? These are normal people in their normal behavior but abruptly change and their behavior create an impact that affects the lives of others forever. For others, their presence only affects others and makes their lives look more disastrous this is the life we live and we have to accept the changes that occur and influence us (Adams and Balfour) The life history of great people like Adolf Hitler who just had normal life, but later on we see a change of things suddenly. Nobody had trained to be a murder and kill the Jews in the first place. No single parents teach their kid s to kill as part of learning in the early stages of life. Thus it is evident theta these are normal people who just change because of situations they are put in or may be because of the circumstances they find themselves in.All people are born and grow well with moral basics and principles but later on things change. In this text Lucifer effect, there are many instances where different people with different and outstanding...
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...States, the founding fathers have manipulated the enlightenment beliefs of liberty, progress, and natural law to create a society that inherently benefits them and their descendants. For people, citizens and non-citizens who live within the borders of the United States, many struggle with the paradox of both loving the so-called values of America but having to constantly fight the parameters within which it was built. The fundamental principles of the United States are written to act as if they serve all peoples, and if they were constructed by a different set of people, perhaps they could be. The question becomes: are the moral principles of the founding fathers worth simply adjusting the current American...
Words: 1962 - Pages: 8
...widespread ideal, the reality of most media worldwide is complex, rapidly changing and extraordinarily diverse. Media can consist of everything from national newspapers to student magazines, global broadcasters to community radio, websites and blogs to social networks and virtual communities, citizen journalists to government mouthpieces. This briefing focuses principally on media – and to a lesser extent on linked information and technologies - at a national level within developing countries. The term media refers to several different forms of communication required to educate and make a socially aware nation. The communication forms can be radio, television, cinema, magazines, newspapers, and/or Internet-based web sites. These forms often play a varied and vital role in our society. GOVERNANCE Recently the terms "governance" and "good governance" are being increasingly used in development literature. Bad governance is being increasingly regarded as one of the root causes of all evil within our societies. Major donors and international financial institutions are increasingly basing their aid and loans on the condition that reforms that ensure "good governance" are undertaken. GOOD GOVERNANCE Good governance is an indeterminate term used in international development literature to describe how public institutions conduct public affairs and manage public resources. The concept of "good...
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...Kuan Liang (Y1114698 ) Focus: Overall Comments Dear Student, While you have made a reasonably good effort at writing the Personal Response, you may consider working on improving your Summary. Some specific remarks discussing the good points and the comparatively weaker areas in your paper are marked below for your consideration. Additionally, we have noted some areas of text where language and/or grammar issues exist. Some pertinent language errors have been marked in blue font on your paper using the legend shown below. Please go through the paper to identify and correct any other similar errors. Noun: (n.) Pronoun: (pro.) Verb: (vb.) Preposition: (prep.) Articles: (art.) Spelling: (sp.) Punctuation: (punc.) Word Choice: (wc.) Sentence Structure: (ss.) Reference: COR 160 Essential Academic Writing Skills Question 1 (Summary) (It is a good idea to start by giving a clear picture to the readers as to what this summary is all about and where it comes from—i.e., the article and author details. You could also mention here that this article describes the struggles of migrant domestic workers (DWs) in Asia and the Middle East, to set the context correctly.) In the continent of Asia and (art.: the) Middle East, nearly one quarter of the migrant population is migrant (delete/redundant) domestic workers. During the past three decades, women migrants have been increasing as this is one of the opportunities for them to earn money for their families’...
Words: 2202 - Pages: 9
...Critical Perspectives on Accounting- MMPA 516 Journal This Journal provided me an opportunity to express my views and critically analyze the different aspects to which accounting relates. It had been a great experience and a great approach to express ones opinion. 2014 Harleen Kaur Juneja 300289064 6/3/2014 Critical Perspectives on Accounting- MMPA 516 Journal This Journal provided me an opportunity to express my views and critically analyze the different aspects to which accounting relates. It had been a great experience and a great approach to express ones opinion. 2014 Harleen Kaur Juneja 300289064 6/3/2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION Page 2 2. ACCOUNTING IN ITS WIDER SENSE Page 3 3. ACCOUNTING AND EDUCATION Page 4 4. ACCOUNTING AND WAR Page 8 5. ACCOUNTING AND GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS Page 11 6. ACCOUNTING AND CSR Page 13 7. REFERENCES Page 15 INTRODUCTION In this course I was surprised to see the other face of accounting. Till date I use to see the stereotypical accounting course that teaches us on a pattern to make us number crunchers who can arrange, categorize, and report details in a manner so unreasoned that only other accounting student can understand them. I had not seen to possess the more important reasoning skills that are necessary for the real life problem solving and business leadership, except to my exception in the MMPA 511 course taught by Arun Elias...
Words: 5799 - Pages: 24
...Reserve act by Pres. Woodrow Wilson on December 23, 1913 was the event in which the US Government essentially gave control of our country to large banks. With this law, Congress established a central banking system which would control the issuance of money. Since its creation there has been a debate as to whether or not the Federal Reserve Bank has too much power. The misconception is that the Federal Reserve Bank is a branch of the Federal Government in which it is not. America today is at the mercy of a privately owned central bank whose power is left unchecked which has inevitably led to corruption over its citizens and elected officials. Most Americans feel that the United States of America is democratic a leader of the “free” world. This is a well known assumption in theory. Our founding fathers had every intention in turning the new world into a developed democracy, and avoid any authority or one-party power. Our constitution demands that our government be “of, for and by the people,” to be divided into complex units and checks and balances, which are designed to prevent any potential power struggle by one specific branch. The constitution of the United States of America is the perfect blueprint for democracy in the purest form, with power and control in the hands of its citizens. Today, this is not the case. We gave up the right to print our own currency in 1913. The US Government gave the powers to a select few, who have owned and operated our country ever since...
Words: 2028 - Pages: 9
...Marketing April 8, 2012 Introduction Why is becoming an entrepreneur a growing trend in today’s job market? Answering the aforementioned question is the purpose of this paper, and the premise of the research thus conducted. In order to answer and address this issue, it is first necessary to examine different aspects of entrepreneurship, as well as, current market conditions, which make this alternative an attractive choice for so many business professionals. I have often thought about the vest means of achieving success. Success can be measured in many different fashions. There is career success, success in academics, competition, and self-actualization. For the scope of this research paper, I will limit the definition of success as being measured by financial freedom and independence. As both a student and working professional, I have a strong belief and desire to perform to my highest potential, both in the classroom and in the office. Ultimately, like many others, the purpose of my efforts is to achieve this financial freedom and independence from an employer. The traditional means of achieving success, I have followed and been an active participant. These means include joining the military at a young age, graduating from college, and pursuing a professional career. Although I am pleased by the results of my efforts and endeavors, my journey is not complete. I am in pursuit of a Master’s Degree at Stratford University to enhance my knowledge, and expand...
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...the fourth plane crashed on a field in Pennsylvania. Over 3,000 lives were lost that day, including 400 police and firefighters. (9/11 Attacks) The horror of this terrorist attack was taped by many people in New York, either in the media or just people on the street. At first people thought the plane crash was an accident, but when they saw the second plane hit they knew something was wrong. The terrorists were from Saudi Arabia and under the leadership of Osama bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda group. A woman described her experience when the two planes struck the twin towers that day. “I saw the planes Flying, I saw the towers falling. The smoke rose high, it filled up the sky on that dreadful day. I saw the people dying, I heard the nation crying. Our rage flew high; it filled up the sky on that dreadful day.” (Kristen Patsios) Although this was just a short passage from the poem, it showed what it was like for people to actually witness the attack in person. This poem described how the United States started to cripple after the attack. Kristen Patsios witnessed the attack and she saw and heard things that nobody should have to see. These events shocked American citizens and initiated the government’s mission to make America...
Words: 2088 - Pages: 9
...contribution for uncovering an unsuspected level of reality beneath the surface of capitalism. His mode of inquiry for uncovering the hidden reality of capitalism is through his own invented process of socioanalysis. Because of Marx’s legacy of revealing the reality of capitalism, Heilbroner compares him to Freud and Plato, all whose works are inescapable for the truths they have unveiled. Freud and Plato both unveiled hidden realities. Marx shared a further similarity in the sense that his “combination of insight and method permanently altered the manner in which reality would thereafter be perceived” (Heilbroner, 17). Marx’s works in his book Capital is still more relevant today than Adam Smith’s renowned work Wealth of Nations. Marx‘s book placed importance on technology and crises and social tension, and more importantly, undertakes the task of critiquing the political economy. However, the problem of Marxism is within trying to define it. Heilbroner believes that there exists a set of premises that can assist in defining Marxist thought, “so that any analysis that contains these premises can be properly classified as Marxist” (Heilbroner, 20). There are four main premises as described by Heilbroner; the dialectical approach to knowledge itself; the materialist approach to history; the socioanalysis of history; and commitment to socialism. Marxism has the political goal to overthrow the capitalist order and replace it with socialism, which will eventually lead to communism. “The...
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...for the second time. “Freedom is not free; you have to pay for it.” Anonymous In May 2005, over 2 million Ethiopians came out in full force to demand change Imagine the power all these people wield collectively when they decide to act together for radical change, dignity and freedom Nonviolent struggle is a smart option for Ethiopians to end tyranny As ordinary Egyptians have erupted in jubilant euphoria at Tahrir Square and on the streets of Egypt after the fall of the three-decade long dictator Hosni Mubarak, Ethiopians in and outside of the country have been keenly watching the wind of change from North Africa. We have witnessed history unfolding once again. When people are determined to be free, nothing can stop them. After an epic struggle against him, Mubarak had no choice but to surrender. The world is a better place with the fall of one more dictator. What a beautiful moment to celebrate and watch! The momentous events in Egypt and Tunisia are testimony to the power of nonviolent struggle. When people are united and speak in one voice, nothing can stop them. No guns and tanks have stopped the peaceful revolutions that have ended tyranny and ushered in liberation to ordinary people in many countries across the world. Ethiopians also know what revolutions are like. But they have never tasted the sweetness of freedom and smelt the aroma of true liberation. The new revolution should be different from the tragic upheavals that have turned our country into a land of slaves...
Words: 7975 - Pages: 32
...influenced by geography, social class, and economic development. In most Middle Eastern countries, the Shari'a, or Islamic law, defines the rules of traditional social behavior. Under the law, women are accorded a role inferior to that of men, and are therefore discriminated against with regard to personal rights and freedoms. Islamic law is enforced through the media, education and through community leaders collectively, Islamic views on female sexuality is one of the main determining factors for strict adherence of Islamic laws, and many perceive that it is the government's job to enforce this morality. Islamic female sexuality is thought of as being so powerful that it constitutes a real danger to society therefore, unrestrained females constitute the most dangerous challenge facing males trying to carry out God's commands. In combination, it is believed that a females desires and their irresistible attractiveness give women a power over men. Differing from other religions such as Christianity and Judaism, Islam does not see desire as a force that must be eliminated or systematically regulated. Rather, one must employ it in a way that coincides with what religious law dictates. For example, sexual desire, exercised according to Muslim beliefs, ensures the continuation of the human race. Sexual desires exerted outside of the scope of Islam, however, can lead to destructive acts and work to destroy the social order. Desire must be constantly steered in the right direction...
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...CHAPTER ONE THE THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK: CONCEPTS AND PROBLEMATICS OF THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY CHAPTER ONE THE THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK: CONCEPTS AND PROBLEMATICS OF THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY Introduction This chapter presents a general theoretical framework for the knowledge society, based on four major axes linked by the concerns and issues invoked by the project to create a “knowledge society” as an integral part of a comprehensive programme of Arab renaissance. The first of these axes presents the premises and principles guiding the knowledge society. The second deals with the conceptual structure of the discourses that have attempted to shed light on the changes in modern societies since the information revolution. Here we have constructed an operational definition of the knowledge society in the Arab world, based on the ideas put forward in the Report’s various chapters. The third axis constructs the systems of reference that have guided, and continue to guide, knowledge discourse in the contemporary world and allows us to become acquainted with the dimensions and options underlying earlier reports on the same topic. The fourth axis examines some of the problematic issues posed today by information and knowledge development in contemporary society, believing that reflection on these issues will influence efforts to close knowledge gaps in the Arab world and achieve comprehensive human development. While subsequent chapters of the Report examine the quantitative and qualitative...
Words: 20875 - Pages: 84
...gay rights is very cloudy in our great nation. Most of this is due to the problems with the issue, the reasons for controversy, and the pros and cons of the issue. First of all, both sides have too many problems with gay rights for there to be a common ground on the issue. The biggest problem we find with the whole thing is the problem is not just fought by words, but also by physical means. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people frequently face violence motivated by their sexuality or gender identity. Violence may be executed by the state, as in laws prescribing corporal punishment for homosexual acts or by individuals engaging in intimidation, mobbing, assault, or lynching. Violence targeted at people because of their perceived sexuality can be psychological or physical and can extend to murder. These actions may be motivated by homophobia, lesbophobia, biphobia, transphobia, and may be influenced by cultural, religious, or political biases. Currently, homosexual acts are legal in almost all Western countries, and in many of these countries violence against LGBT people is classified as a hate crime, which such violence being often connected with conservative or religious leaning ideologies which condemn homosexuality, or being perpetrated by individuals who associate homosexuality to being weak, ill, feminine, or immoral. Outside the West, many countries, particularly those where the dominant religion is Islam and some Asian countries (excluding Japan and Taiwan)...
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