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Outline The Issue: Deforestation In Costa Rica

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An estimated 13 million hectares of forests were lost each year between 2000 and 2010 due to deforestation. In tropical rainforests particularly, deforestation continues to be an urgent environmental issue that harms people’s livings, threatens species, and intensifies global warming. More effective measures are required from the UN to improve policy planning, roles of the private sector, local organizations, non-governmental organizations and cooperatives, forestry extension and public education regarding this issue. Costa Rica is an extremely peaceful country that maintains friendly relationships with its neighbors and does not need to maintain a standing army. This enables it to focus its recourses on domestic projects such as conservation. The United States is Costa Rica’s most important trading partner and has supported conservation and forestry in Costa Rica. In 2007, the countries conducted a debt for nature swap, generating $50 million for the Costa Rican environment. Although Costa Rica still has further steps to take, this country is currently among the most effective in the world in combating deforestation and have made great steps in improvement over the last few decades. …show more content…
In 1969, the country passed its first forestry law regulating logging permits and creating Costa Rica’s Forestry Department. Then, in 1996, the National Forestry Fund was created, which helped institutionalize financial incentives for environmental services. Also in 1996, Costa Rica passed a ban on the razing of mature forests. Recent studies have shown that Costa Rican agriculture has been able to thrive with this ban in place. The UN had a conference recently had a conference in Costa Rica dealing with environmental issues such as deforestation in 2016. Its efforts were to increase public awareness and high-level

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