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John Snow Research Paper

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For this part of the assignment I will be writing up a written account which will describe the origins of the public health in the UK. And I will also be demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the key pioneers, laws, reports and papers. Also I will cover the development from the 19th, 20th century to the end of the 21st century.

19th Century:

Work of John Snow: Snow was a British physician who was considered as one of the founder of epidemiology for the work he did and identifying the source of cholera outbreak in the 1854. John Snow was born in a labourer family on 15th March 1813 in York and at the age of 14 he was apprenticed to a surgeon. In 1936 John Snow moved to London to start his formal medical education. He became a member …show more content…
At this time it was as thought that cholera was airborne but Snow didn't accept this as the bad air theory he argued that it was entered into the body from the mouth he then published his ideas in an essay on the Mode of Communication of Cholera in the 1849. A few years down Snow had been able to prove his theory in the dramatic circumstance. In the 1854 August there was an outbreak of cholera that had occurred in Soho after very careful investigation this included plotting the causes of cholera on the map of the area. Snow was then able to identify that there was a water pump in the Broad now known as the Broad-wick street as the source of the disease. However Snow had the handle of the pump removed and the cases of cholera immediately began to diminish, but Snow's germ theory of disease was widely accepted until the 1860s. John Snow was a pioneer in the field of anaesthetics this was by testing the effects …show more content…
When he moved to the United States with his second wife and children. He was a clerk in London until he was the age of 23 when he began to pursue law and enrolled in the Inner Temple. He wrote for newspapers to make living during his law studies and the combination of the law and the press had opened his eyes to the social problems of London. This was exactly of the prisons, hospitals and the slums. This interest placed him in circles of Philosophic Radials of the day. John Stuart Mill, Nassau senior and Jeremy Bentham. Edwin Chadwick was very close to Jeremy Bentham and act as his secretary until the philosophes death in 1832. Although he was really close to Bentham he didn’t believe in the populist aspects of the Benthamite movement. Edwin Chadwick was very rational, centralising and administrative and didn’t see the value of individual rights. The views marginalised him from the Philosophical Radicals however he was able to secure a second job as a freelance civil servant after Bentham’s death. It was this position that put Chadwick on the map as a political reformist. 1832 Edwin Chadwick started to work as a secretary with the poor Law Commission he also used his skill’s for investigations and research administration to help the frame reforms in laws aimed at the poor. Edwin

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