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Weak Dollar Disadvantages

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The international economy is now more interrelated than even before and one of the main reasons is the vast amount of trade of goods and services among all nations. In the case of the U.S. is well known that is one of the leading trade partners from many countries and also a great importer of goods and services from around the globe. The last fact, give us one of the major explanations of why the U.S. economic fluctuations directly touch the economies of most of the other countries all over the world.
In other words, the U.S. creates a large number of jobs on an international scale, and any movement in our economy either hurt or benefit other countries’ economies. Ronald McKinnon mentioned that everybody hates The Dollar but there is no other option …show more content…
dollar has decreased in value compared to other currencies, making the U.S. dollar now, but less of the other currency than before (depreciation of the dollar).

For the purpose of this paper a weak dollar perspective will be used throughout the development of the same. It is said that when the dollar is weak or depreciate against other currencies, several effects may be encountered. In other words, we have pros, but also cons as a consequence of such depreciation. After researching about the advantages and disadvantages of a weak dollar a compilation of them was listed below:

• U.S. goods and services become cheaper abroad, therefore export increase.
• Other countries goods and services become more expensive and as a result; imports decrease.
• Net imports (exports-imports) increases and as a result an injection of inflow money is added to the GDP of the U.S.
• U.S. goods increase its competitiveness promoting the overall sales of the country.
• High demand of goods may also imply an increase of jobs and a reduction of the trade deficit.
• When the dollar is cheaper or weaker the tourism also increases.
• Domestic exporters increase their revenues by selling greater amounts of

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