...This can be implemented by observing the traffic flow and increase the time of open signals where the flow of traffic is huge. This can be implemented with if else statements and saves life of people. Spoken language understanding: Our basic concern in this paper is spoken language understanding in the scenario discussed above. For his purpose we will discuss different architectures for understanding spoken language and try to purpose an architecture that is fast as well as more effective. Problem statement: • V.I.P movement • Moving a prisoner from one place to another. The trend of V.I.P movement is very common in our country. The instructions are given to the robot, the robot will understand the situation by the architecture implemented...
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...Morphological Analysis of Gay Language Spoken Among Faculty of Goldenstate College, General Santos City School Year 2015 to 2016 Chapter 1 The Problem and It’s Setting This chapter presents the introduction of the study, statement of the problem, the objectives, and significance of the study, Locale and the operational definition of terms. Introduction Long ago, gays were not accepted in society, more specifically during the times of our forefathers, gays were not treated equally due to their gender. Gays were considered a caused of shamed to Family (Daniels, 2010) and the discrimination was highly rampant to them. However, in Today’s generation which recognizes changes in almost every aspect of man’s life, gays were already accepted in the society. Instead, they receive different treatment letting them realize they are unique and creative. With the acceptance of gays in the society, they established their own language known as gay speak. So time to time, gay language evolve and new words are created and others disappear. They construct their language through simple reversal, syllabic reversal, simple reversal with affixation, clipping with the affixation, straight words with affixation and connotation through images. The words or phrases currently used by gays, particularly in Gay Faculty of Goldenstate College, General Santos City may be short lived. According to Rafael 2010 gay language is the most unstable and malleable of all languages because it is not...
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...among all living organisms is communication. Many methods of communication are built up over time to form languages. Language is formed from various rules, but consists mainly of vocabulary. Vocabulary affects how easily one person communicates with another, which in turn affects how much a person is able to know. If the vocabulary of a certain language does not contain words that describe a given event, or if a language has not developed words that are complex enough to be used to form a meaning of equal value, it is then impossible to impart that knowledge to another person. The extent of vocabulary in a language is determined by what information and knowledge can be shared, using that specific language. Vocabulary can also limit how we communicate with one another because using certain words to describe something may make understanding it much more complex. For example, when one uses abstraction they take away individualistic value to the subject to which they are referring. Does one abstract a cow to the point where they are nothing but a farming asset, or not abstract the cow enough to the point where it is only a large mass of particles and organisms? When there are multiple meanings for the same word, or if something is able to be interpreted in various ways, words and phrases may often be misunderstood and used incorrectly. Areas of knowledge (AOKs) such as language, art, and mathematics are prime examples of why vocabulary can limit how much we know. Literature, as well...
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...GCSE English Language 2010 Studying Spoken Language The newest and potentially most exciting area of the new GCSE specifications is the Studying Spoken Language section of the Controlled Assessment for GCSE English Language. The focus of this unit is investigative, asking candidates to explore their own spoken language and/or that of others, including perhaps spoken language in media and technologies such as internet messaging services. Sample Controlled Assessment tasks are available online so that you can see the type of tasks that will be set. All of the tasks are fairly open-ended so that you can help individual students tailor their research to suit their interests and the type of data available to them. One of the teachers who has done a trial of the new unit said, ‘the tasks were greeted with enthusiasm and the ability to connect what we were exploring to the wider context. The tasks lead to independent study which meant there was a good deal of ownership for the students.’ 8 Teachers who have trialled the unit have given us some very useful feedback on which we can base further support. One important point is that giving enough time and thought to the initial data collection pays dividends in terms of the level of analysis which students can carry out. The script and commentary on the following pages are examples of the further resources you can see online at http://web.aqa.org.uk/englishLangA These are provided to demonstrate ways...
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...this paper is regarding discourse analysis II. What is Discourse? There is not a straight-forward definition to describe what exactly "discourse analysis" is. Barbara Johnstone, a Professor of English and Linguistics at Carnegie Mellon University, said the following about what the word "discourse" means, "To discourse analysts, 'discourse' usually means actual instances of communication in the medium of language." (Discourse Analysis, 2002, p 2) So, according to Johnstone (2002), discourse is the occurrences of communication in the form of language. This means there are many ways in which communication can take form in, such as gesture and dance, but discourse focuses in the way language is being used to communicate. I think this definition helps in understanding what discourse analysis is. It is implied, through this definition, that when we are talking about discourse analysis, we are discussing about how language is being used to communicate. This means we don't focus ourselves with language as a system, but rather how language is being applied to express something or to declare a notion. For that reason, when we study about discourse analysis that means we study the process in which language as an instrument of communication is involved. III. Spoken and Written Language Discourse analysis is dealing with analysing the function of language as a tool of communication. When people use language to communicate, they can either use language by saying something, like people...
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...SMS Text Analysis: Language, Gender and Current Practices Muhammad Shaban Rafi1 Abstract This article tests the assumption that SMS language is like a pidgin in every speech community. The article also examines the assumption that a great motor of SMS lives among females whose lexical and morpho-syntactic choices are different from males. It further speculates influence of SMS language on language of media. One hundred messages were taken randomly from 20 cell phones and perceptions of 25 males and 25 females were recorded on an ordinal scale for analysis. The text was analyzed to look into lexicology, morphology and syntactic levels of texters, and influence of SMS on language of commercials. The results show that a novice intelligible language has evolved through SMS, which is influencing language of media. A significant difference is found between male and female texters’ linguistic properties. Introduction Short Message Service (SMS) language tends to create a novice language, which has become an integral part of the multilingual world. It pursues simple sentences structure for communication. It is assumed that SMS syntactic and lexical choices by the texters are not so different from a child language. A child expresses his feelings through simple present progressive tense e.g. mom eating for ‘Mom is eating’ and Eating for ‘I am eating’. The empirical data show that SMS language over-looks orthographic and syntactic rules of a language with a great emphasis...
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...technological leaps. The study of ‘the media’ comes under the remit of media studies from perspectives such as their production and consumption, as well as their aesthetic form. The academic area of media studies cuts across a number of disciplines including communication, sociology, political science, cultural studies, philosophy and rhetoric, to name but a handful. Meanwhile, the object of study, ‘the media’, is an ever-changing and ever-growing entity. The study of ‘the media’ also comes under the radar of applied linguistics because at the core of these media is language, communication and the making of meaning, which is obviously of great interest to linguists. As Fairclough (1995a: 2) points out, the substantively linguistic and discoursal nature of the power of the media is a strong argument for analysing the mass media linguistically. Central to the connection between media studies and studies of the language used in the media (media discourse studies) is the importance placed on ideology. A major force behind the study of ideology in the media is Stuart Hall (see, for example, Hall 1973, 1977, 1980, 1982). Hall (1982), in his influential paper, notes that the study of media (or ‘mass communication’) has had a chequered past. He charts its early years from the 1940s to the 1960s as being dominated by what he terms sociological approaches of ‘mainstream’ American behavioural science (Hall’s emphasis). From the 1960s began the emergence of an alternative paradigm, a...
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...In language itself the spoken language is primary language and the written language is secondary language. There are thousands of languages in the world. Many of them are spoken and written. Some of them are only spoken but not written. But there is no language that is only written but not spoken. Oral communication is constantly and continually employed by an individual in the familial and social environments. Oral communication has also its vital role in business situations. Oral communication in business has a variety of purposes. The communication of information is one purpose of oral communication, and may include informing employees of company-related issues, training new hires, speaking to the general public and maintaining business to business relationships. Persuasion through marketing and advertising is another purpose of oral communication in business. It is used to show a group of people a need and provide a solution to that need. The following are some of the situations in which oral communication is employed. Example 1: Presentations One form of oral communication in a business setting is a presentation. Presentations are usually an organized conveyance of information to a group of people. Stylistically, they tend to be far more formal than informal, and rely more heavily on data and facts than they do analysis. Presentations may include some dialog after the sender of the message has finished their speech, but they are, by and large, much more monologue...
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...Repository (https://dspace.lboro.ac.uk/) by the author and is made available under the following Creative Commons Licence conditions. For the full text of this licence, please go to: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/ COMPUTER ASSISTED TESTING OF SPOKEN ENGLISH: A STUDY TO EVALUATE THE SFLEP COLLEGE ENGLISH ORAL TEST IN CHINA Xin Yu and John Lowe Computer Assisted Testing of Spoken English: A Study to Evaluate the SFLEP College English Oral Test in China Xin Yu and John Lowe University of Bath Introduction ‘If you want to encourage oral ability, then test oral ability’ (Hughes, 1989:44) Since its opening up to the outside world in the 1980s and the introduction of economic reforms that have involved engagement with the global economy and wider community, the Chinese government has become determined to promote the teaching and learning of English as a foreign language among its citizens. In particular, it has mandated the study of English for all college and university students and has made the passing of the College English Test (CET) at Band 4 level a requirement for obtaining a degree. With some ten million candidates annually (and rising) CET Band 4 has become the world’s largest language test administered nationwide (Jin and Yang, 2006). In a deliberate attempt to harness the backwash effect of examinations on teaching and learning, the Ministry of Education has insisted that all college and university students (generally when in their second year...
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...LE1028 Texts in Action Assignment 1 Katherine Luesley According to Suzanne Romaine (2000:21) ‘register is typically concerned with variation in language conditioned by uses… and involves consideration of the situation or context of use, the purpose, subject matter and content of the message, and the relationship between participants.’ Consequently, my interpretation is that register can be - but is not solely - identified through linguistic choices and style. It is dependent upon the linguistic context and social situation surrounding the text- which can be identified as genre. Therefore, register is the language variety which results from the genre. Genre differs from register in that it is mainly applied to literary texts or texts which hold strict conventions such as newspapers, poetry, fictional writing and legal documents. Naturally then, to carry out a genre analysis would mean looking at a complete text rather than an excerpt as stated by Biber and Conrad (2009: 17-18) ‘Text excerpts are not adequate for genre analysis, because they do not necessarily represent the linguistic conventions that define the genre’. The data I obtained [Item 1] shows clearly that during the 24 hour period I received a larger range of differing language registers in comparison to the quantity that I produced. Language varieties I received came from a variety of contexts surrounding the text for example, listening to a lecturer deliver a presentation was formal in its approach and address...
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...English Language – comparing spoken and written language (film review) I will be comparing the crudely spoken Tron film review to its well written counterpart. Firstly, I can see that the spoken ‘review’ is very spontaneous as both people look to compliment what the other says with agreement and they both use phatic talk and hedging to vaguely outline to each other why the think the film was good, “very good film actually” “yeah. He’s very good”. In comparison, the written film review is obviously planned as it is checked before publishing and it uses sophisticated language to depict what happens in the film and how it is presented, “After that, it gets sluggish and the visuals-as so often happens in 3-D films-are far too dingy”. This analysis of the film creates a sense of professionalism as it not only criticises the film but the way it is presented also, showing the reviewer has taken into account more than one aspect of the overall presentation of the movie. The audience for the spoken conversation will be aimed at a younger teenage audience as there are lots of pauses and very little informational dialect involved, “yeah (.) He’s very good (.)”, this means it is easy to understand and interpret. The written review on the other hand, is aimed at more intelligent/developed people and goes into detail to give the reader a detailed analogy of the film and its presentation, “Tron would like to evoke the future”. In the spoken review, there are three voices which are very much...
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...Investigating the presentation of speech, writing and thought in spoken British English: A corpus-based approach1 Dan McIntyre a, Carol Bellard-Thomson b, John Heywood c, Tony McEnery c, Elena Semino c and Mick Short c a Liverpool Hope University College, UK, b University of Kent at Canterbury, UK, c Lancaster University, UK Abstract In this paper we describe the Lancaster Speech, Writing and Thought Presentation (SW&TP2) Spoken Corpus. We have constructed this corpus to investigate the ways in which speakers present speech, thought and writing in contemporary spoken British English, with the associated aim of comparing our findings with the patterns revealed by the previous Lancaster corpus-based investigation of SW&TP in written texts. We describe the structure of the corpus and the archives from which its composite texts are taken. These are the spoken section of the British National Corpus, and archives currently housed in the Centre for North West Regional Studies (CNWRS) at Lancaster University. We discuss the decisions that we made concerning the selection of suitable extracts from the archives, the re-transcription that was necessary in order to use the original CNWRS archive texts in our corpus, and the problems associated with the original archived transcripts. Having described the sources of our corpus, we move on to consider issues surrounding the mark-up of our data with TEI-conformant SGML, and the problems associated with capturing in electronic form the CNWRS...
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... Alexander’s publications on spoken language in learning and teaching up to February 2015. It starts with observational and discourse studies undertaken in the north of England during the 1980s and early 1990s. Then follows the Culture and Pedagogy international study out of which Alexander’s approach to dialogic teaching developed. Towards Dialogic Teaching presents this approach in detail, and Essays on Pedagogy extends the dialogic principle into wider aspects of education, reasserting the importance of an international perspective. Next come evaluation reports from two of the UK local authorities with whose teachers Robin Alexander has worked. The bibliography also includes relevant articles and book chapters. It ends with the 2010 final report of the Cambridge Primary Review, which gives dialogue prominence not only in pedagogy but also among education’s guiding principles; the 2012 DfE paper that persuaded the UK government to take spoken language more seriously in...
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...continuous speech for a 350-word task, using grammars with perplexity ranging from 30 to 60. With only 15 seconds of training speech we demonstrate performance of 97% using a grammar. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=1169748 Audio-visual modeling for bimodal speech recognition:- Audio-visual speech recognition is a novel extension of acoustic speech recognition and has received a lot of attention in the last few decades. The main motivation behind bimodal speech recognition is the bimodal characteristics of speech perception and production systems of human beings. The effect of the modeling parameters of hidden Markov models (HMM) on the recognition accuracy of the bimodal speech recognizer is analyzed, a comparative analysis of the different HMMs that can be used in bimodal speech recognition is presented, and finally a novel model, which has been experimentally verified to perform better than others is...
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...applies to words that exhibit different stress patterns (e.g. controversy /k n tr v si/ or / k ntr v :si/) with no change in meaning or grammatical category. The existence of phonological free variants is caused by different types of factors. These include ongoing sound changes (e.g. / /-/ :/ for sure in BrE representing the general replacement of / / by / :/ in the system) or phonetic and/or phonological processes such as assimilation, dissimilation, epenthesis or liaison (e.g. / febju ri/ for February –as well as / febru ri/– due to dissimilation of the two nearby /r/s). Sociocultural aspects such as speakers’ awareness and knowledge or beliefs about the relationship between spelling and pronunciation in the mother tongue or in foreign languages are also a fruitful source of free variation (e.g. / we stk t/ for waistcoat as well as the former / westk t/-/ westk t/ in an attempt to follow more closely regular sound/spelling correspondences). Independently of the causes of phonological free variation, phonological free variants can be related to different variables studied by...
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