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Otto Hahn Research Paper

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The Life of Otto Hahn On the 8th of March of 1879, in the large city of Frankfurt-on-Main, Germany, Henrich Hahn and Charlotte Hahn became the happiest persons. Why? That was the day their youngest son, Otto, was born. Otto had three older brothers; Karl, Heiner, and Julius. His oldest brother, Karl, was actually his half-brother, having only the same mother. Later on, Karl was legally adopted and received the Hahn family name (Hahn, 1966). Otto grew up in a protected, and prosperous family. Otto was never an outstanding student but was suitable enough for his school abilities. His father, who was a glazier, wanted him to study architecture, but at the age of 15, Otto was more interested in chemistry (Hahn, 1966; “Otto Hahn”, n.d.). …show more content…
They travelled through France and Belgium, where they’d been heavily guarded, and finally arrived ear Cambridge, England, where they allowed more freedom. In 1945 Hahn had been awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the year 1944 for his discovery of the fission of the atomic nuclei. Hahn finally received his award on December 10, 1946, in Stockholm, Sweden, because he was not allowed to exit the country of England before. When in England, Otto Hahn had been elected by the Honorary President of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society and directors to be their president. The Americans and the French finally recognized the Kaiser Wilhelm Society but changed its name to the Max Planck Society in April 1948. During the next fourteen years, Hahn contributed to the rehab and the development of the Max Planck Society (Hahn, 1966). After World War 2 had ended, he campaigned against the use of nuclear weapons. In 1955 he initiated the Mainau Declaration (“Otto Hahn”, n.d.). In 1960 Hanno Hahn, Otto’s son, and Hanno’s wife, Ilse, were killed in a car accident. The only survivor was their fourteen-year-old son (“Otto Hahn”, n.d.). Otto was awarded the Enrico Fermi Award in 1966 along with Lise Meitner and Fritz Strassman. Otto Hahn died July 28, 1968, aged

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