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Essay On Government Shutdown

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The Government Shutdown of 2013 was devastating, to say the least. Nearly 800,000 people were affected by the massive political battle, government workers themselves being a vast majority of those out of a job for the 16-day period. In America, it’s natural for the two major political powers, Democratic and Republican parties, to have ideological conflicts, but the shutdown took a budget disagreement to a new extreme. The Republican Party had refused to allow funding to continue for Obamacare, while the Democratic Party and the executive administration under President Barack Obama denied any proposals from the Republican Party to defund Obamacare. The massive shutdown that occurred in wake of the standoff led to “paychecks [being] delayed” and retroactive payment, though members of Congress still received payment. According to Kirsten Appleton and Veronica Stracqualursi of ABC News, the shutdown cost the nation $1.5 billion a day, totalling $24 billion by October …show more content…
According to CNN Money’s Melanie Hicken, while “the United States may have dodged an economic catastrophe by raising the debt ceiling and opening the government”, the shutdown ended up “[taking] a $24 billion chunk out of the U.S. economy”. A massive part of the economic disaster was the fact that the furloughed workers were being paid for zero productivity, which led to a decrease in functionality for the government as money continued to be funneled out of the treasury for that the 800,000 employees who were unemployed for that period of time. Many small businesses were also reeling in shock from the shutdown, as many rely on government funded programs, and that caused a delay in payments as well. But the main government’s economic crisis was only deepened by the meltdown of niche industries, such as the king crab industry, in wake of the

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