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Evolution Of Abortion

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Death Before Life, Evolution of Abortion

Abortion is anything short of new, in the United States as well as many other countries. Abortion is defined as the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. The choice for abortion is generally due to an unplanned pregnancy or due to tests indicating medical anomalies for the fetus . Abortion is and has been a worldwide, controversial topic for decades. In the United States, the controversial debate began with the abortion court case Roe v. Wade, which corresponds with the court case, Planned Parenthood v. Casey. With Roe v. Wade, abortion was considered to be within legal limits because of the 14th amendment, which states that women in the United States are allowed to have an abortion due to …show more content…
According to the American Pregnancy Association, during the first trimester of pregnancy there are two ways to terminate a pregnancy, either medicinal or surgical. As the name suggests, a medicinal abortion does not involve any type of surgery, but only medications to end pregnancy. THe most common drug used to terminate pregnancy would be Mifepristone, also known as the “abortion pill.” A woman that is seeking a medical abortion, can obtain one through a doctor’s office or abortion clinic and will undergo a series of two medication treatments to terminate the pregnancy. Although this form of abortion is frequently used today, the most common and effective way to ensure fatal fatality would be surgical abortion. Surgical Abortions are medical procedures that must be done inside an abortion clinic. There are four most commonly used abortions procedures done during the second and third trimester of pregnancy. Vacuum aspiration, which uses vacuum aspiration to remove the fetus. Dilation and evacuation, which involves forceps to cut each limb along with suction to pull the fetus from the uterus. Medicinal which is potassium administered through the amniotic sac to stop the fetal heartbeat at which point the fetus is delivered stillborn. Lastly, labor and delivery which is the birth of an unborn fetus by cutting open the abdomen, removing the fetus, and cutting the brain stem. There are many types of abortions done across America, along with across the world, but the most commonly and “effective” used are these six variations to ensure fetal

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