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Early Stages Of Fascism Essay

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Fascism is a political ideology in which a dictator rules completely, that emphasizes and aggressive kind of nationalism and anti-rationalism . The dictator suppresses all opposition mostly with violence so that his rule is perfect. Though fascism was started by Mussolini when I think of this political ideology Hitler comes to mind. Hitler embodied fascism from complete rule to suppressing his oppressors with violence and death and with the way he emphasizes nationalism. Though he was sometimes seen as racist, it was just his way of embodying fascism, which seeks to unify the nation through a pure culture or racial basis. Thus Hitler said that Jews were not pure, so it was okay to eliminate them. Hitler's fascism actions would lead to World …show more content…
Although you hear this term more and more these days the totalitarianism that it takes to be a fascist or for fascism in terms of Mussolini and Hitler the answer is mostly no. Though Putin's Russia comes close I think you could argue that is in the early stages of fascism. Putin is a lot more subtle than Mussolini or Hitler. Putin can compare more so to Mussolini than Hitler in the way that he likes having his picture taken or he's in charge of a Nation with a weak economic base. Mussolini, however struggle with his military whereas Putin's Russia has a nuclear arsenal. In the United States, we tend to accuse someone of being a fascist when we don't agree with them when they're overly right and we don't agree. Nevertheless, our president Trump has a strong sense of nationalism, whether he knows it or not. He ran his whole campaign on a traditional and white nationalism and American pride. His slogan said it all “make America great again”. Though many call President Trump a fascist I don't believe he is one. He as I stated earlier, he lacks the totalitarianism that it takes to truly be a fascist. He does however share some fascist characteristics his use of the media for an example. Anything that he doesn't like, he calls it fake news, this is a slight form propaganda for those who follow him. Personally, I think president Trump embodies anti rationalism in terms of

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