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Schindler's List Research Paper

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The things we watch and read influence us, no matter how self-aware we strive to be as individuals. No matter what the things we watch possess the power to alter how we think or view certain topics and events. Making films to stand as high influential to all of the viewers. Such as in Reel Spirituality, it states how people became inspired and empowered to step up for justice for people they did not even know. Such as the story of Christopher Meili, the janitor who saved important documents to give survivors and their families what they rightly deserved, even if it meant he faced a few consequences (Johnston, p. 26). But the film Schindler’s List, inspired him to step up for those who experienced cruelty, harm, and even death simply for not conforming to the Nazi reign. …show more content…
As described in Johnston’s writings the need for a Code for filmmakers to regard by if they wanted their films played in local theaters (Johnston, p. 35). Slowly overtime films stretched beyond the boundaries of the code and loosened their moral over time. Influencing people to sensor less of what they saw and started watching more and more things outside their moral compass. But films can influence us for the better, after watching a film many people may leave with a change of heart, even start viewing things in a different light (Johnston, p. 107). For example, when before I viewed Steel Magnolias, I never considered how vast a mother’s love can go. Which makes sense since I do not have the worldview of a mother when I watch this film (Stratton, 2013). Especially, the first time I watched it I thought Shelby’s mother did not play too much of a role in the story. After watching it more closely I can see the way she guided Shelby, but allowed her to make her own decisions, even if it is not a choice she would

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