Premium Essay

An Outsider In John Hinton's The Outsiders?

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Words 472
Pages 2
An outsider to me is somebody that tries to be themselves and not act like someone their not. For example, I would personally consider the “greasers” in this book an outsider. They fit the description perfectly. These group of kids do not care how they look or what others think of them, they stick of for each other even if it causes them to be mortified, and also do outrageous things that no ordinary kid would think of. The Outsiders as a book had its sorrow moments and its fortunate ones. The characters did indeed play apart in how/when these scenarios happened, but the one that is considered my personal favorite would be Ponyboy. The foremost reason is because he reminds me of myself (Besides the smoking). He is courteous to others, is living his young life in a slo-mo picture, and is always there for anyone that needs him, not just his gang. Pony and I also connect with our odd thinking of what will occur next in the future and how we may approach these problems. …show more content…
That is what made the book so amusing. Their were many joyful scenes but I had one favorite in particular, and it was when Johnny says “stay gold Ponyboy.” I choose this one because it has a unknown meaning until later in the book when Johnny gives Pony a letter. It is a special phrase and ends up rapping the story together. Now that Pony knows that it means to stay wise and think young I feel that in the future he will become very successful and end of being the only Curtis child to graduate from school, and he will continue to keep a mindset of Johnny actually right by his

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