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Analogy Assignment


Submitted By AtlantaFan95
Words 1158
Pages 5
A lot has changed in our houses from the earlier nineteen hundreds to present day furniture that we think of today. In this illustration by Chris Ware of a Thanksgiving dinner, Chris wants to illustrate to the viewers of a family from the nineteen-forty’s and contrast the family with another family from the two-thousand era. The cover was published in the year 2006 around the time of the Afghan-Iraqi war in the Middle-East and, to me, it seems like Chris wants you to see how families interacted back then and how families interact now. There are a decent amount of subtle images within these two images that show the viewer’s how life was back about seventy years ago and how life is now.
First off, the image at the top of the page has a space heater right next to the dresser in the family’s house. The bottom image on the page has a thermostat perched on the wall right next to the opening leading into the kitchen. With the space heater in the top image, to me, the author of these two images is suggesting that in the time period this image was created there might not have been air conditioning or heat that moves through the air ducts like almost every house does today. Or the air ducts might have been around at the time but only the wealthy could afford to purchase them suggesting that the family is a middle-class family representing the majority of the population. Both families seem to be a very contemporary family because they have, during the time period of WWII, very modern appliances such as the space heater in the dining room and the oven sitting in the corner of the kitchen. There are also wooden window frames in the first image suggesting there is some age in the image as opposed to the bottom image that looks to have plastic or another type of material that makes up the frame. On the inside of the window, there is a cheap plastic window blind that looks like it

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