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Analysis Of A Family Of A Different Perspective By Sarah Peterson

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There are many different stances parents have on homosexuality. What is best to do when faced with discussing same-sex couples to young children in homes? There are debates on whether to discuss topics, such as this, later in teenage years or at younger ages. Homosexuality is too complex for a child to understand. A child’s mind is not developed enough to understand abstract concepts such as homosexuality. From ages, two to four kid’s minds are simplistic and only understand concrete topics such as right from wrongs and good or bad consequences. In Sarah Peterson’s “A Family of a Different Perspective”, Sarah raises the issue of having to discuss same-sex couples to children while, in a traditional family home. The author came upon a children …show more content…
This leads the author to vouch that this book could be useful in her and other homes. The rest of the narrative is organized around discussing same-sex couples to children in traditional homes. The support includes examples of having the discussion with a curious child; stating how parents may say, we feel our way is best in our home and them in theirs, avoiding a deep conversation. This support is helpful because it illustrates a possible real life response to a child. The author gives this example because she feels children won’t understand the situation as a whole given their age and mindset. The author tries to establish her point with this example and illustration of her personal opinion. She assumes an audience who may not be familiar with the storybook about Tango and whom may be resistant in having this discussion with their children. The author explains how she would approach the situation keeping in mind that children may not understand making her argument effective. This argument is effective also because the author, being a mother herself, has her own personal experience with the same sex couple topic. Therefore, she is able to provide actual examples in order for her audience to understand not only a situation like discussing same-sex couples …show more content…
Like Sarah, I see myself finding it difficult to explain it. I have found myself in situations where it was difficult for me to explaining a mature topic to a child. What Sarah says is true having a deep discussion with a child would not be necessary because the child would not understand. Now I know that a topic can be explained to a child in a way that they would understand, without having to go into depth about

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