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Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma in Current Events


Submitted By lwhit100
Words 1165
Pages 5
Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma From Current Events

Ethical dilemmas are everywhere in healthcare. They range from whether to vaccinate children to life and death issues. They cover the lifespan from birth (or I should say conception, as abortion is a big one) to death (no matter what age that may occur). For the purpose of this paper, I purposely stayed away from life and death issues. I have a strong moral and ethical stance on allowing patients to die with dignity. Keeping patients alive or giving treatments to prolong life without quality is so against my morals. If the patient chooses to become a DNR or refuses "recommended" life sustaining treatments, they should have the autonomy to do so. A recent example in the news is the death of Steve Jobs. Now that he has passed away, everyone and their brother are saying that he was a difficult patient. They say he refused lifesaving treatments and surgeries. This is easy to say now that he has passed. We cannot go back now and do a Whipple on him to compare how much longer he would have lived. Whipples are extremely involved procedures and can lead to many complications, with no guarantee of prolonged life. Monday morning quarterbacks are a dime a dozen.
The ethical issue that I choose to use for my paper is the recent dilemma of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination for boys. Vaccinations in general have always been on the list of ethical topics in healthcare. From parents of newborns who believe in the false link between vaccinations and autism, to pediatricians who refuse to continue to provide care to their patients whose parents refuse to vaccinate, to the newest dilemma of the HPV vaccination. This dilemma includes the recent comment made by Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann about HPV vaccine causing mental retardation (Los Angeles Times, 2011).
The HPV vaccine has been used on girls

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