...Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma (Part Three) Euthanasia as a dilemma is convoluted, controversial and a sensitive matter for the reason that it concerns a person’s life, concerns his/her culture, belief, religion and their outlook about life and death. Euthanasia is a term that describes engaging in deliberate action, directly or indirectly, with the intention of ending one’s life to relieve them of their pain and suffering (Levy, Azar, Huberfeld, Siegel, & Strous, 2013). To the majority, this meaning lacks lucidity and uniformity which results in serious debate. This paper will provide a brief overview of euthanasia, discuss autonomy as a resolution to this dilemma and also recount the perspectives of three individuals who agreed to be interviewed...
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...Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma Part Two NRS-437V Ethical Decision Making in Health Care Grand Canyon University Today’s world is filled with endless controversial arguments, ethical debates, and a constant clashing of varying perspectives and outlooks. This is especially relevant to posthumous reproduction, which has sparked many disputes in the global world. Even in our own social circles, the viewpoints on posthumous reproduction tend to be varied. Additionally, posthumous production raises many moral, legal, and ethical concerns. Currently, hospitals do not have a strong ethical stand on posthumous reproduction, but recently they have been forced to develop policies regarding consent, and other legal practices. The following are four interviews done by the writers’ involved four different individuals, a hospital administrator, spiritual leader, healthcare colleague, and a friend. The writers also came to a resolution of dilemma based on research. The information presented is based on the ethical dilemma of a child dying, the parents desire to harvest the child’s eggs for the opportunity to conceive another child or treat any potential genetic anomalies. One of the researchers interviewed the hospital administer where she works. Regarding "posthumous reproduction", the administrator stated that the hospital offers this advanced technology to spouses of patients who meet criteria. The administrator agreed...
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...Running head: ANALYSIS OF AN ETHICAL DILEMMA: ARIZONA SHOOTING Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma: Arizona Shooting Tragedy Thomaline Turner Grand Canyon University NRS 437V January 22, 2011 Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma: Arizona Shooting Tragedy Objective: An ethical dilemma can be characterized as a set of circumstances where one’s typical guiding moral influences clash in such a way that any possible conclusion will be perceived unfavorably. In today’s world, healthcare professionals can expect to be increasingly confronted with and play key roles in the resolution of ethical dilemmas (Burkhardt & Nathaniel, 2008). This paper serves to explore, in detail, an ethical dilemma relating to civil confinement and the implications from its lack of use in regard to the recent Arizona shooting tragedy. A January 11, 2011 article obtained from The American Broadcasting Company (ABC) News called “Tucson Shooter Jared Loughner: Could Anything Have Stopped Alleged Gunman?” will be a prime resource for this purpose. This paper will examine the alternative of civil confinement and its significance in the context of this tragedy using Uustal’s framework for ethical decision making. Ethical theories and principles will be presented and discussed as supportive arguments. Event, Ethical Implications, and Concern: Earlier this month, on January 8, 2011, nineteen people were gunned down outside of a Tucson-area supermarket, six of them fatally, in a massacre-style shooting...
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...Analysis of Ethical Dilemma Name: Institution: Analysis of Ethical Dilemma Introduction and Facts It is important that individuals take into account the impact of their decision on themselves, others potentially involved, institutions and the world. Individuals can make ethical decision only if they understand the potential effects of their decision. Ethical decision making is an intricate process where individuals must consider impact of decisions or actions resulting from the decisions made on individuals or institution. The basis of ethical decision-making encompasses balance and choice (Levin & Mather, 2012). Law is one of the professions that demands practitioners to make ethical decisions to avoid messing up their clients and third parties. They are required to employ American Bar Association (ABA) Model Rules of Profession Conduct throughout their professional undertakings. In the paradigm case, Justin King is involved in an accident and this has resulted to lawsuit. The circumstances surrounding the incident call for due diligence from both defendant (Justin) and his legal team. As such, there are various issues affecting this situation. The first issue is whether the ethical duty of confidentiality applies to Justin’s situation. Various laws and regulations govern a lawyer’s conduct. As indicated earlier, ABA Model of Rules of Professional Conduct is a set of principles that governs the conduct of lawyers in their endeavors...
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...Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma Grand Canyon University Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma Euthanasia is considered “assisted suicide” (Ethical key issues- Euthanasia., 2011). Terminally ill, old age, and poor disease prognosis’s are some population of patients that research euthanasia. Euthanasia is currently illegal due to many ethical implications. Euthanasia is an ongoing ethical dilemma that affects nursing as a profession, has legal implications, and stirs up ethical debates over social values, morals, and norms. “Standard 7, under the heading “Standards of Professional Performance,” reiterates the moral obligation of the nurse to practice ethically and to provide care “in a manner that preserves and protects healthcare consumer autonomy, dignity, rights, values, and beliefs” and “assists healthcare consumers in self determination and informed decision-making”” (ANA position statement, 2013). Nurses in all healthcare related settings play a key role in patient care at end-of –life. Nurses’ care for the physical and spiritual needs of patients and their families while, also collaborating with all members of the interprofessional healthcare team. Nurses witness the devastating effects of life-threatening diseases. It is difficult to balance amongst saving a life and the enabling of a dignified death. Nurses need to keep their own feelings in check because they could have an influence on clinical decision making. “It is within the framework of the Code for Nurses and...
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...Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma Part 2 As a continuation of a previous study, the Grand Canyon University Blue Ethics Committee further examines the dilemma of euthanasia. Four individual personal interviews were conducted. The Team Blue Ethics Committee has been tasked with the challenge of comparing similarities and differences between the cases we have studied and making a recommendation on each case based on our interviews and personal beliefs. Some of the similarities of all the interview were all of the interviews were based on spiritual values and beliefs. They all have in common all of their opinion on their religious views. They use their religion first in order to decide first if euthanasia is right for their family member. One of the strongest beliefs concerning all the interviews was that God decides when it is time for death or life. All of them come to the conclusion that God is the one that chooses the path for everyone. In the Terry Schiavo Case all of the interviews came into conclusion that the husband should have not decided to end her life. Even though the patient was in a vegetative state God was the only one that would have decided to end her life. Some of the differences were that even though all of the members who participated in the interview were very religious they all had different opinions about Voluntary Euthanasia. One of the stated that if she had signed a legal document regarding her life she expected her wishes to be granted. Another...
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...An ethical dilemma that I personally faced at one point in my life happened last year. This problem was related to my work situation at the time. I spent a short while employed at a small telemarketing firm. My work environment was essentially an out bound call center where we used Internet telephony and the publicly available telephone number lists in many geographical localities to market products, usually advertising space on a young Web site. We had to assume false names and, while official policy pointed out that whenever the call recipients at a household or business we called asked to be stricken off our list, they had to be, with no more calls being made to their number. Yet apparently, sometimes when I would call a number, the call recipient(s) would complain that this was the sixth or seventh call they had received from our call center. Asking to be stricken off the list, evidently was not respected. I personally saw some coworkers simply entering the "Call later" code for people's numbers instead of the "Remove from list" code when these people had specifically asked for it. Some people even called their local police departments to report persistent prank callers (though such claims were not taken seriously) or tried to track the numbers we were calling them from, unsuccessfully (since we used Voice over Internet Protocol). I began to see that the job was a genuine nuisance to many, if not most, of the people we called, because very few sales were made; what we were...
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...Unethical Marketing of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products-Part Two Tamara Floyd Sherome Graham Frances Kadambi Viviene Smith Grand Canyon University: NRS 437V Ethical Decision Making in Healthcare October 20th, 2013 Unethical Marketing of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Part Two The pharmaceutical industry along with the manufacturers of healthcare products and technologies often encourage the misappropriation and distribution of marginally beneficial products and technologies in the healthcare industry. These companies often use various advertising methods to influence members of the public to request their products and services without adequate knowledge of their effectiveness and implications to their medical condition. This paper will provide a summary of the worldview s and philosophies of a hospital administrator, a spiritual leader, a health care colleague, and a lay person as their views relate to the concept of the ethical dilemmas and implications of the unethical marketing of medical and pharmaceutical products in the United States. Hospital Administrator The Hospital administrator who wishes to remain anonymous believes that many pharmaceutical companies and the marketing strategies they employ have had a negative impact on the healthcare industry (L.B, personal communication, October 17, 2013). She believes that many practitioners often prescribe needed products only after receiving biased information along with subtle influence from the manufacturers...
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...Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma Part 1 Grand Canyon University April 26, 2013 Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma Part 1 Voluntary and assisted euthanasia have been and will continue to be one of the most controversial ethical debates in the medical field. Euthanasia stems from the Greek language: eu meaning good and thanatos meaning death. The practice of voluntary euthanasia is when the patient requests to die but someone else has to perform the act, for example removing the patient from all life-sustaining equipment or giving a lethal injection. Where as the definition of assisted suicide is a physician prescribes a lethal dose of medication and the patient on his or her own will have to perform the act of consuming the medication to cause death. There are many ethical implications that arise from either option. “In the balance are crucial issues: personal autonomy, dignity, compassion, ending suffering, protection of the vulnerable, promotion of good palliative care, and redefinition of the role of the physician in death and dying” (Van Norman, (2012). It is imperative for nurses to be conscious of their obligations professionally, educated on the laws surrounding the issue, who the stakeholders involved are, the impact on social values/morals, and the ethical theories and principals involved. Nursing Obligation According to the American Nurses Association nurses are never allowed to have any part in euthanasia, such actions would be a direct violation of the...
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...Analysis of Work Environment and Ethical Dilemma Lillian Franklin Capella University Analysis of Work Environment and Ethical Dilemma Part 1- Analysis of work Environment MTC is a rapidly growing Company that uses innovative education and training programs to produced economic independence and valuable career skills. MTC’s success in the service industry is based on a long history of delivering superior value to its customers. MTC was founded in December 1980. Formerly the Education and Training Division of Thiokol Corporation, MTC’s roots stretch all the way back to 1966. The company has rapidly become the largest private job Corps contractor to the U.S. Department of Labor. The organizational has many years of experience providing education and training to America’s educationally and economically disadvantaged youth. MTC Codes of Ethics summarizes the virtues and principles that guide MTC business actions. The Company expects our agents, consultants, representatives, contractors, and suppliers to use these standards to guide their actions as well. There are numerous resources available to assist you in meeting the challenge of performing you duties and responsibilities. In most circumstance, your institutive sense of what right and wrong will be all the guidance you will need. However, there are many instances where you should act in accordance with specific standards of conduct, and accordance with specific standards of areas. MTC aims to “set the standard”...
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...Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma From Current Events Ethical dilemmas are everywhere in healthcare. They range from whether to vaccinate children to life and death issues. They cover the lifespan from birth (or I should say conception, as abortion is a big one) to death (no matter what age that may occur). For the purpose of this paper, I purposely stayed away from life and death issues. I have a strong moral and ethical stance on allowing patients to die with dignity. Keeping patients alive or giving treatments to prolong life without quality is so against my morals. If the patient chooses to become a DNR or refuses "recommended" life sustaining treatments, they should have the autonomy to do so. A recent example in the news is the death of Steve Jobs. Now that he has passed away, everyone and their brother are saying that he was a difficult patient. They say he refused lifesaving treatments and surgeries. This is easy to say now that he has passed. We cannot go back now and do a Whipple on him to compare how much longer he would have lived. Whipples are extremely involved procedures and can lead to many complications, with no guarantee of prolonged life. Monday morning quarterbacks are a dime a dozen. The ethical issue that I choose to use for my paper is the recent dilemma of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination for boys. Vaccinations in general have always been on the list of ethical topics in healthcare. From parents of newborns who believe in the false link between...
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...Running head: Confidentiality SHB5315 - Ethics and Leadership in Studies in Human Behavior U10al Analysis of Work Environment and Ethical Dilemma Due: June 15, 2012 By: Katrina Hines The purpose of this paper is to analyze a hypothetical ethical dilemma within a hypothetical work environment, describing professional role within the environment, structure within the professional role who does one supervise and who supervises one, identifying the population that will be served in the professional role and the diversity of the population, addressing social and cultural diversity. Selection; of the appropriate code of professional ethics and ethical decision model; evaluating the function of the work environment in relation to the legal and accepted standard of practice for setting. Selection of the environment Helping Hands is North Carolina’s leading provider of children’s behavioral healthcare. The Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF) accepts children from throughout the state. The organization is accredited by the joint Commission, which is recognized nationwide as a symbol of healthcare quality reflecting the highest level of performance and certified by the North Carolina Department of Human Services as a Critical Assess behavioral Health Agency (CABHA). The agency offers a comprehensive array of treatment options for children with emotional and behavioral difficulties. Helping Hands mission is to provide quality professional treatment to children...
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...Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma Part 2 Gary Bigge, Diana Hanakahi, Jennifer Lockwood, Sheryl Murray, Alex Warkenthien Grand Canyon University Ethics NRS 437V Linnette Nolte March 3, 2013 Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma Part 2 As a continuation of a previous study, the Grand Canyon University Team White Ethics Committee further examines the dilemma of euthanasia. Four individual personal interviews were conducted and the results are included below. The Team White Ethics Committee has been tasked with the challenge of comparing similarities and differences between the cases we have studied and making a recommendation on each case based on our interviews and personal beliefs. The first case was Dax (Busada, 2011) and the second case was Terry Schiavo (Springs, 2009). Interview #1 To receive a spiritual leader’s perspective about euthanasia, Pastor Sandy Ash of Harbor Chapel Community Church in Moss Landing, California was interviewed. The interview started by giving Pastor Ash a brief background regarding both the Dax and Terry Schiavo stories. When asked about her view on euthanasia, Pastor Ash stated, “If it’s a person who doesn’t want to live then there’s still hope and they shouldn’t give up since there is no machine keeping them alive. There’s a lot to live for” (Ash, 2013). Pastor Ash also added, “It depends on what stage. If there’s a machine then the person should let them go if they want to go, if that’s their wish” (Ash, 2013). With Terry’s case, she...
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...Running head: ANALYSIS OF ETHICAL DILEMMA FROM CURRENT EVENTS Analysis of Ethical Dilemma from Current Events Lilly Fernandus Grand Canyon University Ethical Decision Making in Health Care NRS 437 V July 16, 2011 Analysis of Ethical Dilemma from Current Events Nowadays, ethical dilemmas are an integral part of the health care system. It takes place when there are different opinions on moral claims. We get to a conflict when there is good evidence to indicate that a certain act is morally wrong or right but neither the evidence is definite (Beauchamp and Childress 1994). Health care settings have ethical dilemmas arise at any time due to different opinions. The article, “Ethical dilemma due to man’s kidney transplant”, which was published in Shanghai daily on March 17, 2011(China.org.cn) is an example of an ethical dilemma situation. The incident narrated was at a hospital in China. A 35 year old man is diagnosed with kidney failure due to uremia. In his family, the patient is the main earning member in the family. It consists of an old father and a mother who has cancer and three other brothers. Thus he had to give up his job for the treatment of his kidney problem. At that point, the patient is in a desperate need of a kidney transplant. The published news states that “the father is too old, mother is sick and two brothers are married and has family” and that none of them can donate their kidney to their son. The family decided to use the last brothers...
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...Analysis of Ethical Dilemma from Current Events Karen Perion Grand Canyon University Analysis of Ethical Dilemma from Current Events “A dilemma is a problem that requires a choice between two options that are equally unfavorable and mutually exclusive” (Burkhardt, 2008, p. 118). Ethical dilemmas involve conflicting moral debates. People deal with dilemmas daily; whether or not they realize it. Deciding between two different jobs, figuring out which party to attend on the same night, or giving a patient pain medication knowing they are addicted are dilemmas one might be faced with. Knowing how to overcome and work your way through a dilemma is the expectation. I found an article in The SUN discussing a mother, Kerry, injecting her eight year old daughter, Britney, with Botox and giving her body waxes to make her a superstar. Every three months, Britney watches her mother prepare needles of Botox and fillers to be injected into her face (Pearce, 2011). Kerry, who is a beautician, buys these products online and injects them into her daughter’s lips, forehead and around her eyes. Britney also receives body waxes in hopes her hair will stop growing once she reaches puberty. Kerry says the reason she does this is because her pageant-daughter is destined to become an actress, model, or singer one day. Ethically, this could damage her daughter. The insecurities, self-esteem, and body image issues could be detrimental to her growth and development. Using the...
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