In pages 30-40 in Make Lemonade by Virginia Euwer Wolff LaVaughn teaches Jeremy how to help around the house by teaching him to “go potty,” how to clean, and how to make his bed. LaVaughn teaching Jeremy all of these things almost helps support the family. With her teaching Jeremy how to go potty. It helps with not needing to by as much diapers which could help save money for Jolly. LaVaughn says “‘Jeremy, this is a potty. That’s your thing. You’re gonna stand right here at the potty- right HERE- and you’re gonna push until you go”’ (30). This quote shows that LaVaughn is showing Jeremy how to go potty. She’s doing this because earlier in the chapter she is running out of diapers for the both of them. LaVaughn says to Jeremy, “And you’re gonna