...Hello brothers in arms from class 70-06, Craig AFB, Alabama, So here’s my story. It took me almost five and a half years to get to UPT. My recruiter was not exactly truthful about how long I would need to be a navigator before I could apply for pilot training. I was stationed at Pease AFB, NH from January 1966 until March of 1970. I was a navigator on the B-52D. I had two tours to beautiful Southeast Asia and logged 107 combat missions, 77 as the lead crew navigator. Meanwhile I was passed over for pilot training four times. On my last chance application, I discovered that the skeleton crew that worked in personnel at Pease was pulled off task for three weeks to help paint the base. Apparently, a total of around 50 applications from other officers, NCOs, and airman never got processed in a timely manner and their deadlines passed as did mine. In short, my last possible application never made it to the final board. This is when I explored the power of the pen. When you tell all to the Air Force IG, and back it up with names, dates, times, and facts, good things can happen. Wow, I ultimately got accepted to UPT...
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...Throughout the next few months, I kept my grades up and started a bank account for when my baby is born. As I was typing notes for my Literature class my phone went off and a Twenty-One Pilots ringtone signaled my old best friend was calling. “Hello?” I answered tiredly. “Yea I’m pretty busy doing my homework.” I replied to my stereotypical cheerleader friend. “Courtney, you know I can’t go to a party. I’m sorry.” I hung up and tossed my phone on the worn leather couch and sat down with my head in my hands, my social life was at an all-time low. My baby bump is becoming more and more pronounced and I’m afraid of what people would say. Besides all of my nice clothes no longer fit me, almost none of my clothes did. Tears streamed down my face and onto my black t-shirt and grey sweatpants. My emotions fluctuate every five minutes and I usually end up crying. It’s just so unfair! I’m completely missing out on everything! I never leave the apartment anymore because as I continued to get bigger more...
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...therapy, Narrative Reconstruction (NR) aims to “create a cohesive and chronological narrative of the trauma while simultaneously addressing the personal significance of the trauma and integrating it in the patient’s autobiographical memories” (Peri and Gofman, 2014). The patients are often encouraged to recall and write about the trauma in an organized manner to identify the thoughts they relate to the event (Vitelli, 2014 pg. 203) and confront the negativity by consolidating every detail of the trauma to fully comprehend the situation. PTSD patients suffer from difficulty in recalling coherent images of the trauma due to: “Confused temporal order, unfinished thoughts, and inability to recall important details,...
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...historical events in the book, this work cannot be called as historical fiction. Rather it falls into the category of Alternate history. It belongs to the genre where the author alters events that really happened in the past and sets his plot in the resulting changes. In the case of Flight, the novel can be called speculative fiction with a heavy dose of history and historical elements. In this narrative of Zits’ story, the author makes the protagonist jump into different historical identities. Zits does this as he travels through time and revisits history. Zits understanding of violence changes as he travels through these different...
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...KYMENLAAKSON AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU University of Applied Sciences Degree Programme in International Business ALLISON HOUSE THE CHALLENGES OF WOMEN EXPATRIATES REGARDING INTERNATIONAL ASSIGNMENT Bachelor’s Thesis 2013 1 ABSTRACT KYMMENLAAKSON AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU University of Applied Sciences Degree Programme in International Business House, Allison The Challenges of Women Expatriates Regarding International Assignment Bachelor’s Thesis 74 pages including 12 pages of appendices Supervisor Minna Söderqvist, Principal Lecturer Commissioned by Charlotte Regional Partnership September 2012 Keywords female expatriate, international assignment, male trailing spouse, career advancement, glass ceiling, repatriation With the ever-increasing amount of global business conducted in today’s world, the need for expatriate assignments on behalf of the workplace is increasing also. There is a deficit in the amount of female managers currently on international assignment. The primary objective of this thesis was to identify the challenges facing women, which would have prevented more women from embracing international assignments, and to more thoroughly explore stated challenges in order to pinpoint possible smallscale solutions. The thesis was based on IHRM. The main research method was a collective case study, which consisted mainly of dual perspective qualitative research. The primary conclusions of this thesis are that with additional...
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...flight by Orville and Wilbert Wright did not make the front page news; it was very trivial headlines at the time. For instance, page ten of the Washington Times article dated 19 December 1903 in column four, High Gale No Bar to Flying Machine. The article described the flying machine and how the brothers got off the ground. The New York Tribune 19 December 1903 also had a small article but not until page five; Flying Machine Works Successful Trial by Ohio Men with Machine on Box Kite Plan. By 1909 The Wright brothers had set up an Airplane factory in Dayton Ohio, it was to be the first and the largest airship factory in the country. The plan was to produce four airplanes per month and employ eighty people. The target market was for personal use. There was not a realization of the importance of this new flying machine could offer. The factory would also be the home for...
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...treasure in which Japanese culture and wisdom is portray through. It is the victories, and failures of these heroes that teach the world of Japanese traditions and honor. However, these men were not created for the education of the world, but rather for the centuries of Japanese people whom these figures represent. Warrior tales of Minamoto no Tametomo, Minamoto no Yoshitomo, Minamoto no Yoshinaka, and Minamoto no Yoshitsune have a greater purpose than to provide entertainment to the people of Japan, these men provide a Japanese education on personality, values, morals, and Japanese customs. The three types of heroes that Varley examines in his book differ from each other slightly, but contribute greatly to the history of Japan in an exciting narrative of the honor and customs of the ancient Japanese warrior. The greatest loser-hero in Hōgen Monogatari is Minamoto no Tametomo (Varley, 56). A real life Japanese warrior, Minatomo was contributed with a number of attributes that are believed to have been not true in the effort to immortalize him as a warrior. Said to have stood two feet taller than the normal Japanese man, and endowed with a left arm six inches longer than the other – making his ability to shoot a bow an amazing and powerful feat – Tametomo was a grand character of Japanese imagination. His ability to wage battle made him an esteemed Japanese warrior, and this is important in regards to Japanese war customs in which many times the most elite warrior of each side would...
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...The Forgotten Fighting Spirit of Poland War is not won by standing alone. The evil posed by Hitler required the forces of many great nation to oppose, including the British, the French, the Soviets, and the Americans. However, the contributions of the smaller nations to the Allied war effort largely go unremembered by the general public, especially the contributions of Poland and its Home Army. Mostly seen as a vicitm, rather than a contributor to the overall victory in Europe, Poland's surviving armies get very little mention, if at all within the context of the shallow military historians of today. The foreword to Micheal Peszke's The Polish Underground Army, by Piotr S. Wandycz states that “Poland’s contribution to the Allied war effort is often minimized or glossed over. . . And yet, in proportion to the size and population of their state, the Poles rendered great services in the war against the axis powers.” They helped to reconstruct the German Enigma machine ciphers and handed it over to the French and the British. In the September 1939 campaign, Polish soldiers inflicted heavy casualties on the Germans, who lost about 300 planes and 1000 tanks in their Blitzkrieg in Poland. Wandycz says that Peszke’s book can be viewed as a noble attempt to evaluate the military and strategic thinking of the Polish government in exile in Paris and London. Michael Alfred Peszke is no stranger to the field of Poland during World War II. This is his third book related to wartime Poland;...
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...1. Table of contents List all parts of the application with corresponding page numbers. 2. Narrative The narrative portion of the proposal should not be more than twenty single-spaced pages, with one-inch margins. You should use at least eleven-point type. The narrative should contain the following, in this order. A. Nature of the request: State in one or two paragraphs the subject and format of the project, the amount of money requested from NEH, the anticipated total budget for the production of the project, and whether you are applying for a Development grant or a Production grant. In addition, briefly describe any multiform at components to be developed. If support is requested for one program in a radio or television series, indicate the number and length of programs planned for the series. Also indicate where the proposed program fits into the overall series and the total projected cost to produce the series. B. Program synopsis: In less than one page, describe how the program would unfold from beginning to end. You should describe the program in more detail in the “Treatment or design document” section of the application. See the instructions for item 3 of the application below. C. Humanities content: Identify the humanities ideas, themes, and questions that the project will address. Explain the subject’s significance to the humanities and discuss the humanities scholarship that informs the project. (In the Frequently...
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...take five minutes to soften up.” • Form: “We should make a softer, more flexible bubble gum.” • Technology: “There’s a new chemical mixing process that prevents drying out of food and keeps it moist.” [pic]Are the followings good concepts? “Learning needs of computer users can be met by using online systems to let them see training videos on the leading software packages.” “A new way to solve the in-home training/educational needs of PC users.” “Let’s develop a new line of instructional videos.” • Evaluation Process [pic] PRODUCT MARKETING Protocol Concept Basic Strategy Testing Prototype Tactical Plans Product Pilot Testing Complete Final...
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...Dakota Sneed English 131 – section 13 Paper 4 3 April 2015 The Variety of truck Drivers at Pilot Travel Center. When someone hears the term “truck stop” the likelihood that the common cognition of “stereotypes” comes to mind are pretty high; these conventional images include: fat, nasty, and rude. However, there are multiple different kinds of people to encounter at a travel center. A truck stop is kind of like an airport; there is so much diversity in the people everywhere you turn. There’s this girl Alexis who has been working at Pilot Travel Center for about two and half years. When she first started, she too thought the same – all truckers are fat and nasty. To her surprise, there are so many different kinds of personalities that walk in the door; you’ll be astonished that they are in the truck driving industry. After quick examination Alexis was able to narrow “these people” down to four specific categories; the creepy flirts, the professional clean cuts, the grumpy jerks, and of course, the stinky fats-o’s. Now, with that being said, sit back and try to visualize these unique individuals. First up, the creepy flirts; these are the men who will turn any type of conversation into an episode of Date Night. One of the procedures that have to be met while working at Pilot Flying J is asking for the "my rewards card," if for some reason the customer doesn’t have the card physically with them it can be looked up by the number associated with the account. It doesn’t...
Words: 2067 - Pages: 9
...This article was downloaded by: [Lahore University of Management Sciences] On: 02 May 2015, At: 09:58 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rana20 Understanding the influence of interpersonal relationships on identity and tourism travel Julia F. Hibbert a b a , Janet E. Dickinson & Susanna Curtin a a School of Tourism, Bournemouth University , Fern Barrow, Poole , BH12 5BB , United Kingdom b School of Business and Economics, Linnaeus University , Kalmar , Sweden Published online: 25 Jan 2013. To cite this article: Julia F. Hibbert , Janet E. Dickinson & Susanna Curtin (2013) Understanding the influence of interpersonal relationships on identity and tourism travel, Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 24:1, 30-39, DOI: 10.1080/13032917.2012.762313 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13032917.2012.762313 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness...
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...Research Proposal On Why and how Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited achieved higher profitability than the highest profitable conventional bank, Prime Bank Limited in 2013 Submitted to XYZ Associate Professor University of Dhaka Submitted by ID: 16001, 16054, 16070, 16080 University of Dhaka Date of submission: November 11, 2014 Abstract: Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited is the highest profit earning bank in Bangladesh in recent years both in Islamic and Conventional banking system. A question has been raised mostly by the customers of conventional banks that how an Islamic bank can earn the highest profit without practicing any fixed interest rate. A confusion rises among them if there is necessarily any differences in the banking systems and processes between Islamic and Conventional banks. We want to research on this issue and find out the actual scenario behind the massive success of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited as the highest profit earning bank of Bangladesh compared to the highest profit earning Conventional bank in 2013; Prime Bank Limited. 1. Problem statement: Why and how Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited achieved higher profitability than the highest profitable conventional ban, Prime Bank Limited in 2013. 2. Research objectives: The objectives of our research on the topic above are given below; * To find out the current position of IBBL and Prime Bank Ltd in the national economy. * To find out which bank is in the better position and for...
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...Dashiff, Riley, Abdullatif & Moreland (2011) goal in this article was to describe the experiences of parents of 16 to 18 years old adolescent with type 1 diabetes Mellitus (TIDM). Information gained from this research can be use to develop education program that will help parents with TIDM adolescent self-management efforts. In support of the research, a thorough discussion of the difficulty parents have in letting go when their children reaches the age to take over the management of their diabetes because as parents they have always been the one to provide this serve for their children. Parents as they stated have always been the core in making sure their children achieve a good glycemic control (Dashiff, Riley, Abdullatif & Moreland 2011). The researches made an additional argument in support of their study by stating that there were numerous literatures from the prospective of the adolescent about their parents but that knowledge about parents’ feeling and their behavior is lacking (Dashiff, Riley, Abdullatif & Moreland p.304). The significance of this study, to nursing or health care lies in our nursing code of ethics. The code of ethics 2.1 Primacy of the patient’s interest states ‘The nurse’ primary commitment is to the recipient of nursing and health care services-the parent-whether the recipient is an individual, a family a group, or a community. Nursing holds a fundamental commitment to the uniqueness of the individual patient; therefore, any plan of care...
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...CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION For the academic achievement of students, reading is the most important tool. There are many reading strategies, which play a vital role in the development of reading skills of students at primary level. The five key reading strategies include: 1. Using background knowledge 2. Predicting 3. Self monitoring and self correcting 4. Identifying main ideas and summarizing 5. Making inferences and questioning Statement of the Problem The purpose of this study is to determine such reading strategies which assist the development of reading skills of students at primary level. This study will take place with fourth grade students at primary schools of Pakistan. Purpose of the Study This research aims to determine which reading strategies are most effective in the development of reading abilities of students, and if the various reading strategies which students should master are in the knowledge of the English teachers of primary schools. Another purpose of this study is to investigate whether these reading strategies are clearly being taught to the students by their teachers. This research is being conducted with the purpose to outline several strategies for developing reading skills, to explore the importance of good reading habits and to investigate the strategies that teachers may use in order to improve reading skills in the class room. Research Questions This research aims to answer the following questions: 1...
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