Premium Essay

Analysis Of Michael Norlen's Healing Myself With The Power Of Work

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Words 250
Pages 1
Depression is real problem that many people deal with more than not. It affects the body, mind, spirit, and hinders the person’s way of life. Michael Norlen, author of an article entitled Healing Myself with the Power of Work, gives his personal experience with this oppressive disease. In Norlen’s life, depression seeped in through the horrors of his past. His mother was an alcoholic and Norlen’s greatest fear was becoming that person. Depression slowly started to spread with the help of his stressful job as a lawyer and by feeding on Norlen’s self-doubt and trust issues. One of the ways Norlen described depression is “an insidious disease” that convinces oneself that they are “worthless and helpless.” Norlen found the path to recovery in just

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