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Emergency Medical Technician Research Paper

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EMT’s treat approximately 25-30 million people each year. Emergency Medical Technicians are clinicians, trained to respond quickly to emergency situations regarding medical issues, traumatic injuries and accident scenes but are not allowed to penetrate the skin, meaning no needles or cutting into patients. EMTs and paramedics have an abundance of issues which go unnoticed in their field in today’s society. A few of these issues are gender-oriented issues, work-stress burnout, and PTSD. From the beginning, emergency medical services in the United States has been a male-dominated occupation. There have been data tests used to determine the male to female percentage. According to the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians, “men make …show more content…
Emotional exhaustion can be brought on by many different factors. Officer-involved shootings, line-of-duty deaths and injuries, child victims, employee suicide, and mass-casualty incidents are all events which can help push towards the emotional exhaustion. In some instances, the emotional exhaustion could not necessarily result from the horrendous traumas but it can also come from a non-urgent call. For example, the EMTs who are called out to an elderly womans home constantly. Those EMTs face the fact that one day, they will be an old woman or man calling for help. So it is acutely capable of causing emotional exhaustion also. ¨Advanced emergency medical technicians or paramedics, face stressors that are a combination of those experienced by two high stress occupations¨ (Grigsby). This occupation is more commonly known for its high rate of work-stress burnout than most other occupations perhaps “not only [because they] deal with life and death medical emergencies but they often must do so in potentially hazardous public environments¨ (Grigsby). They face situations on a daily basis which can lead to emotional exhaustion and wanting to leave the job because of it being so horrendous. These horrendous situations can range anywhere from mass casualty traumas, to a suicide of a teenage kid. In bad cases, the work-stress burnout …show more content…
“if you’ve been on the job, EMS or fire, you suffer from some post-traumatic stress¨ (Dill). The things emergency medical technicians and paramedics see on a daily basis can be extremely gruesome at times, which is not easy to forget. These people tend to keep these instances in the back of their mind, though seldom can they completely forget it. These instances are able to come back and haunt these workers, especially if the patient did not end up living. Under those circumstances, the incident is harder to get out of your mind. The scene ends up just replaying in your head like a motion picture. That is what most likely leads to the PTSD seen in emergency response personnel. ¨we’re human beings, and we developed our emotions long before we got into EMS or the fire service” (Dill). Human beings are known for being exceptionally emotionally attached to things. On the job, at times, it can be intensely difficult to maintain an emotional status due to what is enclosed in the career. Getting emotionally attached to a patient, and them end up dying is another factor which leads to PTSD. Most of the time emergency medical technicians respond to non-urgent emergencies but there are also rough, so to speak, calls that are traumatic and quite disturbing. Although those calls might not affect them today, or the next week or even a month later down the road, they have a way

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