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Ellen Degeneres Research Paper

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Not only is Ellen DeGeneres the host of one the most popular talk shows she is also a huge advocate for lending a helping hand. She is a huge supporter to numerous charities and foundations including The Gentle Barn, Clothes Off Our Backs, The Humane Society, Stand Up to Cancer, one foundation, Save the Music, Feeding America, Children’s Health Fund, and countless others. Ellen uses her show to help raise money for certain organizations, like the celebrity dunk tank which helps benefit research for breast cancer. Her show also includes segments which help out her viewers who are suffering due to economic and other crises. She was one of the first women in show biz to come out as being openly gay and even after all the grief she received, Ellen …show more content…
Ellen was born on January 26, 1958 in Metairie Louisiana. When she was 35, she started her show (on September 8, 2003) and now is on her 13th season. Ellen is a very inspirational person, she had many struggles in life but all of that didn’t stop her. Why I think Ellen DeGeneres is an inspirational person is because she is a major supporter for gay rights and she has inspired millions to be themselves and to not hide their true identity. Also after she was molested by her stepfather as her mother struggled with breast cancer she never gave up on herself and continued chasing her lifelong dream. This is why Ellen is an inspirational person.I think Ellen is a very compassionate person she cares about others and their struggles and can also relate to them.She also is a supporter to numerous charities and foundations( like i said before). She is a tenacious* person she sets her mind in what she wants to do and accomplishes it. After Ellen revealed she was a lesbian people protested outside the studio to shut it down and they did. But she didn’t stop there she worked hard so they can put her show back on the air and they did. Also, she is a very tenacious* person for eliminating prejudice for gays and lesbians so they can have equal rights as if they were regular

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