...community. With 41% of Americans promoting gay marriage and an increase of 1% support annually, our American society is changing at an astronomical pace. Before the 1980’s, practically nobody supported homosexuals or their beliefs. Today, it’s mainstream; and through marketing, we’re going to find out why. Members, participants, and supporters of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) movement are influencing every single one of us whether we realize it or not. According to a Williams Institute review conducted in April of 2011, approximately 4% of Americans identify themselves as belonging to the LGBT community. The number of same-sex couples grew by more than 30 percent from 2000 to 2005 (from nearly 600,000 couples to 777,000). There are over 10 million declared gay individuals in the United States with California having the largest population, and Washington D.C. having the highest percentage among population. The homosexual community enjoy nightly outings, parades, and most similar events heterosexuals do. The most globally recognized and perceived symbol of the LGBT community is the rainbow flag. The flag represents sexuality, life, healing, the sun, nature, art, harmony, and spirit. Another main symbol LGBT has derived their name from is the Lambda; which is a Greek letter that represents unity under oppression. Many other symbols such as labrys, the purple hand, freedom rings, as well as overlapping color schemes of pink and blue in shapes like triangles and moons...
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...2011 LGBT Community Survey U.S. Overview Report v2 8.25.2011 5th Annual Edition En3re contents © Community Marke3ng, Inc. CMI’s 5th Annual LGBT Community Survey Thanks to our 2011 Sponsors CMI’s 5th Annual LGBT Community Survey U.S. Overview Report 5th Annual Edition Gay men and lesbians own more homes and cars, travel more, spend more on electronics, and have the largest amount of disposable income per capita of any “niche” market. And it’s a sizeable segment: LGBT consumers make up 5% to 10% of the U.S. consumer market. U3lizing quan3ta3ve and qualita3ve market research methodologies, Community Marke3ng helps companies beQer understand and more effec3vely reach the LGBT community. Our consumer panel provides insights through online surveys, focus groups, intercepts and more. Thomas Roth, President Community Marke3ng, Inc. www.CommunityMarke3ngInc.com 2011 LGBT Community Survey US Overview Report ...
Words: 11730 - Pages: 47
...SOCIAL MARKETING Anmol.Shakhla – 38 Vaishnavi.Shanker - 39 “We must fundamentally change the way young people interact with their news. Instead of getting depressed when they read the news, they should become empowered.” * Bryan Mooser “It’s easy to make a buck. It’s a lot tougher to make a difference.” * Anonymous Social Marketing is the systematic application of marketing, along with other concepts and techniques, to achieve specific behavioral goals for a social good. HISTORY: Social Marketing began as a formal discipline in 1971, with the publication of “Social Marketing: An Approach to Planned Social Change” in the Journal of Marketing by marketing experts PHILIP KOTLER and GERALD ZALTMAN. Social Marketing is the use of commercial marketing principles and techniques to improve the welfare of people and the physical, social and economic environment in which they live. It is a carefully planned, long term approach to changing human behaviour. Social marketing research is usually more thorough than commercial research because facilitating enduring individual and social behaviour change is complex. Why rely on a social marketing approach? * Impacts a significant portion of the priority population * Facilitates active behaviour change over a period of time * Stimulates change with limited resources * Develops creative ideas INTRODUCTION: ...
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...Diversity in Workplace Sexual Orientation Professor Antionette Dee Currie Richardson Human Resources Management Andre Marcano Florida State College Jacksonville MAN 4301, SUMMER 2014 Abstract This paper looks at the impact of being Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) in the workplace and if there are any limitations by various organizations. Most organizations often claim to value diversity, many Human Resource Systems are developed to encourage, reinforce and allow only similarities. Understanding the economic rationale for discrimination of LGBT and the implications contributes to improving Human Resource Discrimination policies that take into account workforce diversity. Employers should introduce diversity programs to educate employees and create an environment that is more hospitable to LBGT individuals and their allies. The goals and objective of the organizations training must be clearly defined and communicated. The challenge arises when forces within the organization operate to attract, select and retain an increasingly homogeneous group of people. This will suggest shifts in organizational policies, at the same time employees who are antigay or homophobic may dislike the shift in policy and begin to leave the organization. The net effect is to produce a workplace that is more accepting of change. According to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) an estimated gay and lesbian population at five percent of the U.S. population over 18 years of age...
Words: 1906 - Pages: 8
...She is most like the character Rae Tyson. Rae and Miller are the main androgynous characters on the show. They both have a history of failed relationships with women, but are doing everything in their power to restore their relationships and friendships so that the people they love can have better lives. The other comparison between these two characters is that they both stepped up in their roles as the heads of their households and married their first loves. One of the main differences in Miller and the other characters is her dark past. Most of the other characters have had fairly simple lives while Miller was once an alcoholic hustler. Her shady past and the money she made then is what led her to relocate to Atlanta to open up her own marketing firm and begin a new life. One of the key factors of Miller’s character is her...
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...Women’s rights organizations • Equality organizations • Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) rights organizations Note. You may also refer to the Internet Resource Directory of Racial and Ethnic Groups. Complete the following table related to your search: |Site |Image |Thoughts | |http://www.aclu.org/lgbt-rights |ACLU American Civil Liberties Union |The ACLU works to extend the rights to those who | | | |have over time been denied their rights in the | | | |past such as women, lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, | | | |transgender people, prisoners, and those with | | | |disabilities. The ACLU provides a LGBT project | | | |that works toward an America without | | | |discrimination based on gender or sexual | | | |orientation; and that everyone receives fair | | ...
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...Creating a welcoming environment for gay employees By Brian McNaught corporate diversity consultant Whether or not to declare one's sexual orientation, or “come out of the closet,”remains a major issue for the LGBT community today—especially when it comes to theworkplace. In this article, Brian McNaught provides advice on how companies canmake things more welcoming for their LGBT employees. McNaught has been called“the Godfather of gay sensitivity training.” His article begins with a touching description of his own disappointment when his partner, a Wall Street executive, tookearly retirement because he felt tolerated as a gay person, not accepted. A few years ago, my spouse, Ray, was a managing director of global equity sales for Lehman Brothers. To the surprise and great regret of his firm, he took an early retirement because he felt tolerated there as a gay person, not accepted. As one of the first gay people out of the closet on Wall Street, he felt alone in coping with the silence he experienced when he brought up my name with fellow employees, and with the lack of questions he received from them about our weekend or holiday plans. His colleagues were not hostile to him. But their ignorance-based anxiety about homosexuality made it hard for them to engage Ray socially. Some may have feared using the wrong words. Others may have worried about wandering into a discussion for which they were ill prepared. The result of their anxiety was emotional exhaustion for...
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...Although we may think blindness is something we’ve never encountered if you really analyze a situation any situation you will discover blindness. I can’t believe how blind women were in Vagina monologue and in The Laramie Project both disturbed me because I know people who could relate to both topics. Both are very close friend of mine. Starting off with Vagina Monologue the story that affected me the most was the situation with the girl who couldn’t speak English so she couldn’t tell her parents what actually happened so they assumed and treated her like she was washed up and a disgrace. She did nothing wrong and they were very wrong to assume without having and kind of communication with her. Not even to ask if she was okay being that they did think she was sexually abused. My friends Mom accused her of having sexual relations with her boyfriend which was totally gross!!! She didn’t want to hear her daughters side of the story so she just ------ her out. There was absolutely no communication going on what so ever and assumptions could go so far as to destroying something that means so much to you for no reason. Another part of the Vagina Monologue that made me think of a friend was when the girl was disgusted with her vagina!!!! She thought it was gross and she didn’t even want it… It reminded me of a girl I know who is gay, she hates her private part. She hates to acknowledge it and doesn’t even like to clean herself. She’s cried to me numerous times about...
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...English 121 Robert Solomon January 14, 2012 Compare and Contrast Throughout the years of the United States Military gays and lesbians has been banned from serving openly. They were not allowed to participate in any type of homosexual activities. This is a direct violation of these individuals’ constitutional rights but it didn’t stop the military. Homosexuals have been around and in the military for as long as the military exists they have served in some of the biggest wars. However they were at war within themselves. Young men and women were living a lie they cannot openly be who they really are and if they were even suspected of having homosexual activities they will be penalized whether it was by their peers or by the chain of command and later separated from the military. Homosexuals did exist but it was so unheard of it was almost like they weren’t there. They lived amongst their fellow comrades ‘in silence feeling trapped not being able to be free. Feeling discriminated against feeling like they are less of a sailor or soldier. Under “The don’t Ask Don’t Tell”(DADT) policy the military was not allowed to ask a recruit about their sexuality, however if there was suspicion of homosexuality they were allowed to investigate. This too was a form of discrimination against theses service members. In 2011 the ban was lifted and it is now legal for gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military. This means that they can openly disclose their sexual...
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...Alexandra Vilents May 22, 2012 Final Paper Homophobia in the Black Communities. Homophobia, just like racism and sexism, is a sign of ignorance. Most people who hate or fear gays have either never met a gay person or simply do not understand what homosexuality is. In the black community, masculinity is considered to be the most important feature of a man and if a man is a homosexual, this is not just a matter of his sexual preference, being gay automatically labels you as a “fagget”, a “sissy”, or basically less of a man. Many black families traditionally attend church and thus tend to be very religious. To them homosexuality is a sin. Procreation is highly valued in African American families. Since gay men cannot produce children that makes them an “unwanted” part of this community Metrosexual is a term that can be used to describe a heterosexual urban male who tends to be very considerate of his appearance and has a defined taste in fashion. Metrosexual guys are often called “Fags” because their style and interests may be somewhat different from those of a “manly man”, but this in no way makes them a homosexual. When most men in the black communities think of a gay man this image of a very feminine, metrosexual guy comes to mind. What they do not take into consideration is that one's sexual preference is what makes them gay, not what they are wearing or how they are acting. Black men see homosexuals as a threat to their masculinity. They often think that just because...
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...Being Gay: Coming Out In The 21st Century People come from shame to pride, which is a long process. In the 1940’s the military says that you are not criminals, you are just ill. As the wars ended, and they were getting rid of military men, they started weeding out the gays. Their rights were taken away, and they were not allowed back into the military. No one ever spoke the words “gay” or “lesbian”. In 1969 stonewall took place and police showed up at the bars where the gays hung out. Typically no one fought back, however, this time they did. They say stonewall was their coming out. Activism never stopped from that point on. In 1973 the American Psychiatry removed homosexuality as a mental disorder. Then 1980 came and AIDS began spreading, and at that time there was 1.5 million people that had been diagnosed. In 1990 gay parades were going on, celebrities began coming out to the public. Even though today homosexuals are more accepted, there are still many homophobes and bigotry. Some say they get rocks thrown at them and get called names such as “fag”. Rev. Dr. Penny Nixon says that she won’t hold her girlfriends hand in public for fear that she will get beat up. There are some people who will even kill gays/lesbians when they see them. Matthew Shepherd was tied to a fence and beaten and left to die because he was gay. Research now shows that being homosexual is not an illness, not a choice, and no abnormal. Early on, “gay” meant happy, and now it is used primarily...
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...LEGALIZING this will Benefit Everyone! For years a debate has be raging betweens two sides; one for the legalization of same sex marriage and the other for doing away with the idea as a whole. If the illegality of the current topic continues then it can only damage us all in negative ways as a whole being that the United States people are all that stand in its way or atleast had been for the past years. Each day millions of Gay citizens of this country contribute to the growth of our nation and everyones wallets whether it be spiritually, politically, vocationally, socially, or culturally. The citizens of our country that make up these groups (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transsexual) are a detremental piece to the puzzle that builds our economy and country as a whole. If these groups were to withdrawl their many contributions to this country, then it would affect the system as a whole in only negative ways. By legalizing same sex marriage then it will show these groups that they are equal to every other citizen as well as capable of having the same exact benefits. After all this country has been known to be quite the advocate for equal rights through out time based on all sorts of issues in the past such as racial discrimination, womens rights, immigration etc Affirming these minor groups in society will reduce prejudice in groups by supporting cultural diversity, thus promoting a better environment for anyone to thrive in a more accepting society. This will also boost...
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...government help people like the Ethiopian government?” I do not agree at with what is happening in Ethiopia because not only am I offended about how the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community is treated and have to live in fear, but also I can connect to this article very strongly because I am bisexual. There are a lot of people who believe that non-heterosexual people are evil, demonic, or even a disease but I see normal human beings who deserve to have the same life as a straight person. To me it seems they are scared of change and progression of people. We cannot choose what our sexual orientation is. I personally think that the Ethiopians are culturally biased. Their religious beliefs don’t seem to reflect that god put us on this earth and created us differently but also similar. They don’t want to believe anyone could be different; instead they are pushing these horrible punishments upon people that are only human, want love, and to live in a place where they can enjoy life and feel safe. They even insinuate that being of the LGBT community is unclean: “Ethiopia is supposed to be clean and holy.”(Baker). Why should people like have to live in fear and not be able to have any medical treatment and their families disown them? How can they believe that the LGBT community would sexually touch another person without consent? I do believe that maybe unconsented and inappropriate sexual contact could happen but not...
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...adults, and general homophobic attitudes in our culture. It is important that these situations be changed so that each and every person has the same rights and is not harshly and wrongly judged because of the sex of the person that they love. When thinking of the word “marriage,” what comes to mind? Is it long white dresses and dapper tuxedos, or a towering cake and beautiful flowers? Do sappy love songs and the first dance come to mind? Some imagine a fairytale come true, with a horse and carriage whisking the happy couple away from the church in which they nervously exchanged vows? No matter what comes to mind, most people can agree that marriage is happy, and wonderful, and beautiful. But for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, or LGBT, community across America, marriage is but a distant dream. Same-sex marriages are allowed in very few states and under limited circumstances. Not only is this unconstitutional, because the American constitution gives everyone the same rights despite their sexuality, but it is simply prejudiced. A gay couple that just...
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...Leadership and Self-deception Getting Out of The Box Leadership and self-deception is a book written by the Arbinger Institute that explains to us how we as people can get stuck in a place or problem known as being “Inside the Box”. We can be stuck “Inside the Box” whether it is in our personal lives toward family members and friends or whether it is at work toward our Boss and other co-workers. Through a cleverly concocted story the author explains how we are either “Inside the Box” or “Outside the Box” and how to stay out of the box once we enter it. The story starts out telling us of a man named Ted who is impressed with a company called Zagrum and he would love to work for them and after multiple interviews and weeks of waiting he finally hears back and finds out that he gets the job. One of Teds first major meetings is with his soon to be boss Bud who asks him to meet him for a meeting that is seemingly so secret that nobody talks to him about it or gives any hints to what it is even about. Everyone seems to know what is going on except Ted. With much anticipation and waiting Ted is led to Buds office and waits nervously for his arrival. When Bud finally gets there he then informs Ted that “He has a problem” and while Ted wonders what that is Bud will soon enthusiastically explain the meaning of his problem and go into more specifics and detail that I’m sure Ted would care for or even expect. As Bud and Ted talk Bud is asking all sorts of seemingly strange and at times...
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