...Andersson 2009-04-06 Thesis – Military Theory, 15 hp Author Course Major Jonas Andersson ChP 07/09 Tutors Kersti Larsdotter Truls Gustavsen Center of Gravity Analysis – an Actual or Perceived Problem? Abstract Centers of Gravity (CoGs) analyses deliver vital input to the operational design. However, there are a great number of theories regarding the phenomenon which can create a certain degree of confusion. The diversity in theories may lead to misdirected mental energy where the focus is to discuss theories instead of using the theories at hand efficiently. The question is if the diversity in theory is an actual problem or if it just perceived as such? This research identifies the similarities and differences in the theories of Milan Vego and Joseph Strange & Richard Iron regarding CoGs, their sub elements and methods for analysis. The impact of the differences on the practical result is then surveyed by implementing the theories on adelimitated phase of the Falklands War, in order to conclude if the differences have a decisive impact on the product of the CoG analysis. The result of this thesis indicates that the diversity in theory is a perceived problem. The identified divergence does not reflect crucially on the CoG analysis and the variation of the input provided to the operational design is minor. The CoGs and the critical vulnerabilities identified are the same or at least similar, no matter which of the two theories was used in this research. Key words: Centers...
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...CRITICAL ASSIGNMENT There are several theoretical approaches to consider when discussing geopolitics. Three of these approaches are the Realist approach seen by Michael Klare; the Balance of Power theory outlined by Robert Skidelsky; and Social Constructivism theory used by Gearoid Ó Tuathail. After analysis of these three geopolitical theories, it becomes clear that the Realist approach and incorporated application of Halford Mackinder’s Heartland Thesis, demonstrated by Michael Klare, is the most persuasive and applicable in a contemporary setting. Klare’s Realist Theory Michael Klare applies realist theory to explain contemporary American international relations. In this explanation, Klare draws on the geopolitical thesis of Halford Mackinder. Mackinder’s theory explains that the state that controls the Heartland, which is land seen to be of geopolitical importance, will inevitably become a global superpower as they amass economic and political strength from that territory. Mackinder states “Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland; Who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island; Who rules the World-Island commands the World.” (Mackinder 1919: 150) Klare’s incorporation of a realist approach lies in the way he explains America adherence to the Heartland thesis. Klare demonstrates America’s desire to control the Heartland by overtly militaristic foreign policies in areas of great geopolitical competition. America had been involved in conflict in the resource rich...
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...notion of ‘international society’, which refers to the set of institutions and common procedures generated by states over the last three and a half centuries in their attempts to achieve some minimal form of co-existence, but which has gradually evolved to include many non-state actors and different levels of activity – diplomatic, economic and cultural, as well as that of military competition. By the end of the course you should be able to have an informed discussion about: the historical origins of the present system; what is distinctive about international politics as opposed to politics inside the state; and the main challenges which confront humanity in the twenty-first century. You will also acquire a basic familiarity with the main theories needed to think analytically - and critically - about the idea of international society and the behaviour of the actors which constitute it. Brief Description of the Paper The subject of International Relations (usually given capital letters, as opposed to international relations as events) has a huge range. Some see it as covering everything that has happened on the globe during recorded history,...
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...development. This dynamic serves as one of the basic foundations of the discipline itself as well as subsequent major schools of thought. Theories in International Economy have been founded on empirical observations on the economic conditions of a set of cases and are, as Robert Cox posits, critical of the circumstances from which certain politico-economic configurations emerge[1]. A contemporary theory that has surfaced in the last few decades is the developmental state theory which sought to explain the precipitous economic progress of East Asian states after the Second World War. Although the initial outcome of adopting developmental strategies among East Asian states have shown the theory’s potency as a basis for economic development policies, subsequent events especially the results of Southeast Asian attempts to pattern itself after developmental strategies have put into question the developmental state’s efficacy as a long-term arrangement. Specifically, the Philippines’ status as an “anti-developmental” state[2] serves as a channel for criticism of the developmental state theory through other IPE theories not only in terms of strategies and policies, but also in the deeper level of societal conflict and political structures. The origins of the Developmental State and its basic premises The literature on developmental state theory attributes its conception to Chalmers Johnson who argued in his book MITI and the Japanese Miracle, that “Japan’s road to capitalism...
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...Running Head: MHE505 MODULE 1 – CASE ASSIGNMENT Question 1: Global definitions of terrorism are presented in the background reading. Provide a critique of these definitions. What would you propose as a global definition of terrorism? |To Define Terrorism | |Debate over what constitutes a terrorist or a terrorist assault occurs with each mass violent attack. In remarks to the Center for | |International Policy in Washington DC, on November 2001, former Ambassador Keeley (2002) discussed the necessity to define | |terrorism, and illustrated the challenge of constructing a definition that can be applied steadily. (Keeley, 2002) Thirteen years | |later six different U.S. government agencies have differing definition of Terrorism, and there is no consensus on a definition. | | | |Critique of Definitions of Terrorism | |Although the wording used in the within the definitions varies, there are key words each of the agencies emphasize. The U.S. Code | |Of Federal Regulation does not distinguish between a government and sub national group who uses terrorism as a method. United | |States Code Title...
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...cooperation spanning thousands of years, overall international interdependence, and the abrupt switch from amity to enmity as of 1979. While the international media has cast an ever-stronger spotlight on the Iranian-Israeli relationship in the past five or ten years, it has long deserved closer scrutiny. For two countries to be as intertwined at the political, military, economic and societal levels – like Iran and Israel from the 1950s through to the 1970s – and then to become and remain bitter and irreconcilable enemies – thanks to a radical Iranian regime change in 1979 – is virtually unheard of in the realm of international politics. This phenomenon begged further study, and was spurred along by the need for an impartial and inclusive analysis to mitigate the perpetual barrage of news headlines and journal articles prophesying the inevitable showdown between the two states (and...
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...America’s Invisible Cold War Weapon Often overlooked in analyses of U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War, religion acted as a powerful tool to direct U.S. leaders’ decisions and unite Americans in the war against the Soviets (Kirby, 2003; Grimshaw, 2011; Winsboro 2009; Gaddis 1997). Emerging out of studies of the cultural dimension of the Cold War, the “religious Cold War” has become a subject of focus for scholars in the past two decades. Dianne Kirby, a professor of history at the University of Ulster, is the primary voice in the literature surrounding religion and the Cold War. Kirby argues that ideology, specifically the religious component, is key to comprehending “perceptions of and responses to the Soviet Union,” beyond the traditional...
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...between states dominates debate between scholars as to whether the world will ever be a peaceful, threat-free environment. In order to eliminate war and conflict, cooperation must characterize states’ behaviour towards one another, a system in which ‘the security of each [state] is perceived as the responsibility of all’ (Wendt, 1999). The question then becomes why, if cooperation leads to rewards for everyone, do states enter into conflict and war? International Relations theorists seek to explain this paradox by examining the obstacles to cooperation. For classical realists, the answer is simple; lust for power and a drive for conflict are rooted within human nature and, since humans are the operators of state actors, state behaviour mimics this nature in its approach to international relations. Neo-realists, by contrast, follow Waltz in his belief that the anarchic structure of the international system causes states to seek security and power, and therefore provides the ultimate obstacle to cooperation. While liberals disagree altogether, offering the counterargument that men are rational, and therefore states choose to engage in conflict in order to pursue state preferences, based on a cost-benefit analysis. The primary obstacle to cooperation for liberals, then, is the clash of interests between states. Realist political theory is largely based on the assumption that all states are self-interested and are driven by a desire for power and security. Their main goals are survival...
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...Marxism grants social and political theorists a most realistic, dynamic, and comprehensive framework that allows the study of the causes of war in its ‘totality’; which crosses the boundaries of each theory of international relations and encompasses the political, social, and economic aspects of the causes of war.<!–[if !supportFootnotes]–>[2]<!–[endif]–> Marxist theory applied in conjunction with the ‘three levels’ of analysis, which are, the individual, the state, and the international system, is relevant and significant to the study of international relations. In particular, Marxism as an analytical tool has been able to evolve within and adapt to the altering environment of international relations, especially with concerns to global conflict. An examination of Marxism, from its rudimentary forms and its progression into its modern day applications proves that Marxism offers an extremely viable basis for analysing the causes of war. Marxism accepts that capitalism, hence, the capitalist mode of production gives birth to two classes in society, the owning bourgeoisie and the working proletariat, which are inherently antagonistic towards each other’s existence and prone to class conflict. Also, the capitalist states represents the interests of the bourgeoisie, and as the ruling class, the bourgeoisie controls the means of production, which is basically the states material power and economic foundations. Marxists embrace the materialist conception of history,...
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...politics and the possibility of the peaceful change and the Marxist critics (Paul and Mark, 1987:1-3). International Relations According to Johari (2009:1-39) the international relations are the study of the political and social interaction of state, non-state and individuals. In the recent years the increasing interaction among these actors, coupled with advances in informational technology and the spread of human rights, have raised many new questions for international relations scholars, practitioners, and students. International relations as a discipline is chiefly concerned with what state do on the world stage and in turn, how their actions affect other states, correspondingly states are a common unit of analysis in theories of international relation, many analysis focus on states and their interactions to explain observed patterns of world politics. The state is fundamental to neorealism and neoliberal institutionalism, international relations is largely about states, it enables us to conclude that the changing relations among the nation-state of the world many range from cooperation on the one side to conflict on the opposite side with the intermediary level of limitedcooperation or they may assume any form ranging...
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...of international relations have been studied as early as the time of the ancient Greek historian Thucydides. As a separate and definable discipline, however, it dates from the early 20th cent., when the first organized efforts were made to find alternatives to wars in nation-state international behavior. Two schools of thought quickly developed. One looks to strengthened international law and international organizations to preserve peace; the other emphasizes that nations will always use their power to achieve goals and sees the key to peace in a balance of power among competing states. With increased importance attached to a theoretical understanding of the whole international system, there has been a growing use of concepts and modes of analysis developed in the natural sciences in an attempt to improve the verifiability and applicability of theories. International relations is the study of relationships between nations. When analyzing international relations three general levels refer the complexities of world politics: individual, state and the international system. Individual- The individual level of analysis focuses on decisions made by individual people that go on to shape foreign policy. This type of analysis will involve examining the traits, desires and ideals of the individual, and the impact that they had on decisions that affected world...
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...Running header: Just War Theory The Just War Theory Regarding the War on Terrorism Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Abstract The modern interpretation of the Just War Theory list seven conditions which must met in order for a war to be considered “Just” (jus ad bellum). This paper demonstrates that, while it has been suggested that all wars, even the current war on terrorism, are unjust, the facts remain that any war that meets each of the seven criteria is a just war, regardless of opinion. Throughout the ages man has always looked to bring about the end of war, or when war has been waged to minimize the destruction caused when nations war. According to the text;”these rules were worked out in the late Middle Ages by the so-called Schoolmen or Scholars, building on the Roman law and early Christian thinkers such as Augustine and Ambrose. (The Moral of the Story, 2006) These rules were developed to first, deter wars, but when determined necessary, to limit the scope and suffering from the war. While not completely universal in scope, most advanced western societies have embraced the theory of just war as a bases for determining when, and if, a war is justified. As set forth by the Schoolmen, there are seven criteria that must be considered and met before nations can engage in war. They are; the Last Resort, a Just Cause, a Legitimate, Competent Authority, Comparative Justice, Right Intention, Probability of Success...
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...When to Apply Rational Choice Theory A widely used model to study human behavior, called Rational Choice Theory, helps to simplify social phenomena by assuming these properties: utility maximization, consistency, expected value, individuals as relevant agents, homogeneity, and equilibrium. Almost all social scientists, especially economists, use this model to predict human behavior, and sometimes their results may contradict the actual phenomenon; in other words, they were unaware that their experiments failed to meet one or more of the Rational Choice Theory assumptions. For example, in situations like enlisting in the military and eventually going to war, where individuals fail to maximize utility and contradicts the assumptions of the Rational Choice Theory, applying the theory would be nonsensical. However, when dealing with situations in which individuals behave rationally like sex workers in the prostitution industry, whereby all Rational Choice Theory assumptions are met, the theory explains phenomena exceptionally well. The example of soldiers going into battle clearly contradicts the assumptions necessary for the Rational Choice Theory to hold. By definition, a rational human being would choose the option that gives him the highest level of utility. In deciding to join the military and fight in war, the costs of making this decision heavily outweighs the benefits. Comparatively, this problem resembles the “Voter’s Paradox” in which Anthony Downs explained using a...
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...Wendell K Stephens Strategic MGMT Seg 2 RAND Corporation 1. What made RAND so Conducive to fostering and facilitating strategic thinking and strategic thinkers during the cold war? The original organizational direction of RAND corporations was to allow a small select group of intellectuals who were successful in collaborating with scientific work for the military during and after the World War II. The formation of RAND was initially placed under the guidance of the Air Force, however, the sentiment of senior leaders in the military, government, and intellectuals participating felt that continuing under the umbrella of one of the branches of the military might stagnate the benefit of having a group of “free thinkers” from achieving great results. RAND was given independence to conduct research and this freedom of thought was “guarded” within this group of researchers. RAND attracted creative talent and individuals who were free thinkers who found comfort in not being held to a deadline or driven towards an A or B outcome choice. RAND fostered strategic thinking based on all of the intellectuals from various disciplines like economics, mathematics, research analysis, were placed in an environment with colleagues from the most influential intellectual institutions of the day as well as the federal sector, military and civilians branches of government. RAND received a grant from Henry Ford II ($1,000,000) which allowed the organization to become...
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...Economics for Managers 551 – Trimester 1, 2014 | Assessment 1 – Contemporary Economic Analysis | “The Fizzy Wars” Lee Johnston (16927959) Daniel Wilson (17491934) Greig Maitland (17485047) | The two major players in the Australian soft drink industry, Schweppes and Coca-Cola Amatil (CCA), have been competing for market share for some time, creating a ‘price-war’ between the firms. The article chosen for this Assignment, “Price Rises hit customers in the fizzy wars”, (Mitchell 2014) signals the end of this ‘price-war’ and details the following; * Last year Schweppes implemented aggressive discounting in an attempt to increase its volumes, market share and boost sales of its new product; Pepsi Next. * Cost of production for soft drink has increased due to higher costs in materials, utilities and distribution. Neither firm could raise prices due to the above-mentioned ‘price-war’. * Schweppes parent company Asahi has issued a mandate for the firm to increase margins to 10% by 2015 and so Schweppes have been forced to raise prices to meet this deadline. CCA have followed suit by raising prices, thus, ending the ‘price-war’. In this assignment we briefly explain the background of the Australian soft drink industry’s decrease in demand and increase in production costs and provide an economic analysis of Schweppes decision to raise prices, focusing on the short run and long run costs in a competitive market versus an oligopoly. Finally predictions...
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