...Forensic science has been around for a long time now. the concept of it is to find evidence to solve a case. I am attracted to this because I like thinking at a new level. I like analyzing things to come up with an explanation. Forensics is a growing industry due to the amount of crimes that are taking place now a day. A forensic technician “…collect, identify, classify, and analyze physical evidence related to criminal investigation.” (Summary." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). they to this in order to find potential suspects in a murder scene or simply to find an explanation on what happened. There’s different fields you can take in forensic science, for example there’s forensic anthropology. Anthropologist have knowledge on the human...
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...Summary At the last half of the nineteenth century the social sciences such as anthropology, economics, psychology and sociology have emerged and the grew in influence, and the public administration was one of these sciences. Due to the huge impact of these disciplines, research methods has developed. Some of these methods included quantitative ways of analyzing data, while other methods used different ways of qualitative approaches in analyzing the data. A lot of questions were placed about the nature of the public administration science, and if it should be treated as an administrative science or should it be considered a social science. The answer of these questions is critical because it's affecting the research. Researchers have been going back and forth since then arguing about the appropriate method to use in research. Is it the quantitative or the qualitative approaches that would be more suitable for a proper approach. The early researchers agreed that the qualitative methods was the right way to conduct research. However, other researchers were not comfortable with that method and stated that the quantitative ways can not answer a lot of human problems facing the public administrators. Thus, they concluded that more illustrative approach is needed, and these approaches require the use of many different qualitative methods in research. Research is based on a solid foundation of philosophy, practical experience, cultural characteristics, and social...
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...A Literature Review of Business/IT Alignment Strategies. This journal is about a literature review which is useful for evaluating different alignment approaches, with the aim of discovering similarity, maturity, and capability to measure, model asses and evolves the alignment level existing among business and technological assets of an enterprise. The top research issue for currently is the alignment between business processes and supporting software system. For the first time the issue was mention in the 1970 and then several studies and researches were conducted focused the alignment concerns. Actually this paper is aiming to review a proper analysis which considering the alignment topics. From the view of the business and technological alignment, it focuses on the degree of the information technology mission, objectives and plans, support and is supported by the business mission, objective and plans. To looking how the organization can achieve alignment, the traditional approaches have been used, however only a little contribution about how to identify and correct misalignment. To complete the alignment strategies, the modeling and measurement is a must. The phase of modeling is about the various entitled the alignment concept and the links between business and IT entities. Measurement of the alignment degree existing between the chosen assets for establishing if there is any improvement. The alignment is supported by an automatic support where it’s all the processes. There...
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...Science is all about the facts, and in most instances that is all you need to believe in the results that you are being given. With this ease in compatibility with others upon results, naturally friendships are made between scientists. Yet there are just about as many natural arguments between scholars in science as their are friendships. This argument or friendship can skip generations for those in the same study, scientists often being compatible with those who worked before them and brought inspiration. This basic concept is seen in the compatibility and differences between Charles Dawkins and Richard Dawkins. These two scientists both have a long recorded history of progress in terms of evolution, but there are details and specifics in...
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...Science Process Skills W. Connell |If you have any questions or concerns about this quiz, | |please contact the creator of the quiz. | Answer the questions below and then click "submit" to send your answers. [pic] Top of Form 1. What science skill are you using if you are separating your crayons into piles according to color? Your answer: [pic]Predicting [pic]Classifying [pic]Inferring [pic]Communicating [pic] 2. What science skill are you using if you are building a replica of the Mayflower? Your answer: [pic]Inferring [pic]Classifying [pic]Observing [pic]Modeling [pic] 3. What science skill are you using if you smell smoke? Your answer: [pic]Observing [pic]Classifying [pic]Inferring [pic]Predicting [pic] 4. What science skill are you using if you think the football team will win their next game since they have won all their other games? Your answer: [pic]Measuring [pic]Researching [pic]Observing [pic]Predicting [pic] 5. What science skill are you using if you are teaching a friend how to play a game? Your answer: [pic]Classifying [pic]Measuring [pic]Inferring [pic]Communicating [pic] 6. What science skill would you use if you were finding out how far it is from the door of your classroom to your desk? ...
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...The importance of science and the ways of expressing scientific ways of life to the world. The start of scientific rules and the ways to explain the methods it follows .Science is based on methods that explain the way science goes on around the world and what is the importance of it that helps people understand things beyond imagination (Thomas Samuel Kuhn). The scientific ways of expressing the world and how it generates based on its history. The importance of science, the scientific methods, and the scientific expression of how the world generates based on its history are the three major descriptions of science. One of the important facts about science is the start of scientific rules and the way to explain the methods it follows (See Appendix 1). Science is based on the knowledge that humans have to know the mystery behind things that cover the truth behind something. Science has many rules that have been passed on by one of the greatest scientists that discovered the ways of life and things that were not predictable. The scientific method is a procedure of six steps they are stating the problem, collecting information, forming a hypothesis, performing experiments, analyzing the data (Alhazen), and making a conclusion. The first step to the scientific method is to stat the problem in which you wish to Answer. The second step is collecting information on the question answered. Making observations and study the things on the question you have more knowledge on the problem...
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...A forensic science technician collect and analyze the evidence from crime scenes to help investigate and solve crimes. Some are generalist forensic science technicians but others specialize in certain areas such as criminalists who perform the same jobs as crime scene investigators. Other examples of specialists are forensic pathologists and latent print examiners, how analyze fingerprints and DNA found at crime scenes, or forensic computer examiners, who specialize in collecting and analyzing data from computer crimes. Forensic science technicians give written reports on what they discovered from analyzing their evidence or data, they then explain this report to lawyers and law enforcement officials and often times will testify in court about their findings....
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...After looking into possible topics I was interested in, I decided I wanted to focus on the interplay of science and ethics. Moving forward, I decided I wanted to specifically examine the link between Genetics and Ethics—more specifically, the history and origin of Eugenics and its effect on human behavior. I have always been interested in the role of genetics in the growth of human civilization. Eugenics, which refers to the study of improving specific qualities of a human population or civilization by encouraging and discouraging specific genes in a gene pool, is particularly sensitive and controversial topic because of science ethics and the debate over whether how much control we should have over science and our bodies. In this paper,...
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...School------------------------------------------------------------- Age: -------------------------- Class------------------------------- SECTION B Process of Science Test (PST) 1. | Which science process skill involves using your five senses to describe what is seen, heard, felt, smelt, and tasted? | | | A. | Inferring | B. | Predicting | C. | Measuring | D. | Observing | 2. | Which science process skill is an explanation of observations? | | | A. | Inferring | B. | Predicting | C. | Measuring | D. | Observing | 3. | Which science process skill is used mostly in experiments and is in the form of an If...then statement? It is a statement that can be proven as true or false. | | | 4. | Which science process skill uses numbers to describe an object? | | | A. | Inferring | B. | Predicting | C. | Experimenting | D. | Measuring | | | 5. | Which science process skill involves making up categories or grouping things together? | | | A. | Experimenting | B. | Measuring | C. | Classifying | D. | Analyzing Data | 6. | Which science process skill uses a test under controlled conditions? | | | A. | Measuring | B. | Experimenting | C. | Collecting Information | D. | Inferring | 7. | Which science process skill involves sharing ideas through talking and listening, drawing and...
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...Marketing Management MGT 310-Module Handbook Marketing Management Module Handbook Course Code MGT310 BBA-5C Dr. Sher Akbar Faculty of Business Administration Department of Management Sciences Department of Management Sciences, CIIT Islamabad 1 of 8 Marketing Management MGT 310-Module Handbook Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3 Contacting the Module Instructor ............................................................................................... 3 Aims for this Course .................................................................................................................. 3 Prerequisites.............................................................................................................................. 3 Learning Outcomes ................................................................................................................... 3 Assessment Scheme ................................................................................................................. 4 Recommended Text & Reading Materials ................................................................................. 4 Course Requirements and Expectations ................................................................................... 4 Assessed Coursework ..............................................................................
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...Job Title | Description | Skills Required (list at least five skills, three of which are specific skills in the field of criminal justice). | Why are the skills listed needed to succeed in the position? | Computer Forensics Science Technicians | Forensic science technicians help investigate crimes by collecting and analyzing physical evidence. Many technicians specialize in either crime scene investigation or laboratory analysis. Most forensic science technicians spend some time writing reports. | Skills required for this career are: communication skills; composure; critical thinking skills; detail oriented; as well as problem solving skills. | Forensic science technicians write reports and testify in court. They often work with other law enforcement and specialists. Crime scenes are often the results of acts of violence and destruction, but technicians have to maintain their professionalism and objectivity. Forensic science technicians use their best judgment when matching physical evidence, such as fingerprints and DNA, to suspects. Forensic science technicians must be able to notice small changes in mundane objects to be good at collecting and analyzing evidence. Forensic science technicians use scientific tests and methods to help law enforcement officials solve crimes. | Information Security Analyst | Information security analysts plan and carry out security measures to protect an organization's computer networks and systems. Their responsibilities are continually expanding...
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...funding for state and local criminal agencies to support their efforts. It called for what soon became the 911 system for fielding emergency calls and recommended that agencies acquire computers to automate their functions. But even with the start-up help of hundreds of millions of dollars in early federal assistance, computerization came slowly. Only in recent years have many agencies found the use of information technology significantly helpful. Examples include fingerprinting databases, computerized crime mapping, and records management systems doing everything from inventorying property and cataloging evidence to calculating solvability factors. Of all criminal justice agencies, the police traditionally have had the closest ties to science and technology,...
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...Technician internship position for Piper Clinical Solutions. My intrigue in biology dates back to my freshman year of high school. I remember sitting in my science class, captivated by the way my teacher taught science. The passion that she had for science heavily inspired and encouraged me to pursue a career in biology, specifically genetics. My interest in genetic research stems from a desire to continuously learn about myself and others, on a deeper biological level. My motivation throughout my college experience has been mainly to help people, but I was never sure of how I could do that. I find that genetics provides an exhilarating and significant aspect of research, which can be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent various illnesses. Furthermore, I would like to explore my interests by applying for this summer internship at Piper Clinical Solutions, to assist me in determining the extent to which my skills and interests are suited to this professional environment....
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...Geoinformatics has been described as "the science and technology dealing with the structure and character of spatial information, its capture, its classification and qualification, its storage, processing, portrayal and dissemination, including the infrastructure necessary to secure optimal use of this information"[1] or "the art, science or technology dealing with the acquisition, storage, processing production, presentation and dissemination of geoinformation".[2] Geomatics is a similarly used term which encompasses geoinformatics, but geomatics focuses more so on surveying. Geoinformatics has at its core the technologies supporting the processes of acquiring, analyzing and visualizing spatial data. Both geomatics and geoinformatics include and rely heavily upon the theory and practical implications of geodesy. Geography and earth science increasingly rely on digital spatial data acquired from remotely sensed images analyzed by geographical information systems (GIS) and visualized on paper or the computer screen.[3] Geoinformatics combines geospatial analysis and modeling, development of geospatial databases, information systems design, human-computer interaction and both wired and wireless networking technologies. Geoinformatics uses geocomputation and geovisualization for analyzing geoinformation. Geoinformatics Research Research in this field is used to support global and local environmental, energy and security programs. The Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) Group...
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... and a SAT score of 1050 at the least. At Lamar University, the requirements of getting accepted are varied. You will need your high school transcript, ACT and SAT scores with a gpa of a 2.5 at the bare minimum. At Alabama State University, an ACT score of 18, an SAT score of 940 and a gpa of 2.8 are needed to get in. Before getting the job, you have take certain college classes and training. Organic, analytical and forensic science chemistry, principles of chromatography and electrochemistry, crime scene investigation procedures, biostatistics...
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