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Ancient India Research Paper

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Choosing to live in Ancient India
Ancient India had more aspect that was more desirable compared with other societies like Mesopotamia. Below are the reasons that configured me to choose Ancient India as my domicile.
Strong religious Background
Ancient India had stable religious background as it contains more regions such as Buddhism and Jainism. Hinduism is a large religion in ancient India, its interactions with other religions incorporated different cultures (Prabhu, 2013). Therefore, changing how people relate and live in the society.
Political stability
During ancient India, there were many republics which put in practice democracy. The republics were headed by king called Raja, who was the leader of executive, legislature and judiciary. The King was assisted by official members elected from the empire (Woods, 2011). Official was to give advisers to the king. Centralization in administration of power …show more content…
Civilization of Indus River valley started when the city of Harappan was evocated. Civilization promoted changes of lifestyle to people. It also led to the discovery of the archaeological site within the river and its tributaries. Civilization in Indus River It also promoted the development of agriculture which promoted food security in the society.
Flexibility in social structure
During ancient India, society was divided into four parts. Theses four parts were called the Varnas, they include the following, Brahmins, kshatriyas, vaisyas, and sudras. Under social structures, the existence of the caste system made the society more organized. Caste system defines individual classes, thus promoting the sense of dignity to people in the society.
Ancient Indian military During the Ancient India, strong military which took cover of the country after world war to bring peaceful coexistence, harmonious relationship between kingdoms, and created good welfare.

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