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TAA Synthesis Essay

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only does the lack of awareness and incentive negatively impact the number of applicants and overall utilization of TAA, it also translates to a smaller simple size that can misrepresent the effectiveness of the program.
Effect of administrative resources and certification proceedings As one worker noted, the course of applying for assistance is a “bureaucratic nightmare.” Not only does each petition have to be investigated separately by the Department of Labor and involves other agencies such as the state’s trade office, the process can also take several months because they need to compile the necessary information on the employer’s sales as well as imports of the product. This is further exacerbated by administrative costs and insufficient capacity to manage growing caseloads, which causes significant delays in processing times. …show more content…
As one official noted, there is a shortage of federal workers and high turnover due to budget cuts and depletion in the agency’s general management funds. Staff shortages and lack of resources represent major gaps in internal control, which translates to mislabeled petitions and longer processing times. On average, the department took “153 days to process a petition,” nearly four times as long as the statutory limit of 40

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