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Type 2 Diabetes Research Paper

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Diabetes was observed first by the ancient Egyptians (1500 B.C.E), who saw it as a rare condition that caused the afflicted person to urinate frequently and lose weight. Later, the Greek physician Aretaeus (80 – 138 C.E) termed the condition as Diabetes Mellitus due to the sweet taste of the urine. In 1776 Mathew Dobson was the first to measure the concentration of glucose in the urine and discovered it to be increased. It was not until 1812 when the New England Journal of Medicine and Surgery was founded that Diabetes Mellitus was considered a clinical entity, and was fatal within a few weeks to months upon diagnosis. Over the past 200 years medical advancements have allowed those diagnosed to lead long full lives after the fact but unfortunately …show more content…
Type 2 Diabetes maybe manageable with meal planning and exercise but medication in the form of pills may be necessary. Early detection can significantly reduce cardiovascular risk factors such as a stroke or heart bypass surgery and reduced aggressiveness of initial treatment. Since the beta-cells are either resistant to or deficient of insulin, the blood glucose level must be managed to maintain homeostasis of blood glucose levels. This is done by constant monitoring of blood glucose levels and regulated synthetic insulin injectable medication for Type 1 and either injectable or pill medication for type 2 followed by a balanced meal plan and exercise. Early detection with proper diet plan, exercise and medication make Diabetes a very manageable disorder. Most patients go on to live long full lives decades after initial …show more content…
Their study shows that progenitor cells in the intestines of mice can make insulin producing cells when the Foxo1 gene is “knocked out” of mice. These progenitor cells produce serotonin, gastric inhibitory peptide as well as other hormones. Currently insulin producing cells can be created from embryonic stem cells in a laboratory, but they do not release insulin response to glucose levels. These cells if introduced to humans would release insulin in the body when not needed resulting in hypoglycemia. Researchers are trying to develop a drug that would have the same effect on the gastrointestinal progenitor cells in humans as “knocking out” the Foxo1 gene does in mice. The article describing their research was published in the Nature Genetics journal on 11 March 2012 and is still in

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