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Mummification Research Paper

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Mummification Process the Egyptian’s believe towards death was influent with their belief in immortality. They believe that their soul will return to their body, they regarded death as a temporary interruption rather than the cessation of life. When they died, they were mummified so the soul would return to their body, giving the breath and life. The household equipment, food, and pet were keep in the outside of burial chamber, including the written or prayers were assist the dead on their way to the afterworld [1]. The method of embalming or treating the dead body by the ancient Egyptian used is called mummification. They use the special process that today we can see the mummy body of Egyptian like they have a live in 3000 year ago.
The mummification …show more content…
The body was placed on a slab and covered with natron salt which is a type of salt which has the properties for great drying. When the body had dried out, the embalmers would take the natron salt out of the body. This process makes the mummy seem even more preserve. After complete this process they would wrapping of body. Next the wrapping began, wrapping is the through process. The dead body was anointed by oils and goal pieces with the Eye of Horus which is the symbol of protection was placed over the slit in the body. Each mummy needed hundreds of yards of linen was used for wrap their body. Amulet was placed on the wrapping, prayers, magical words was written on the linen. Sometime false eyes were inserted and make-up applied [3]. After that the priest placed a mask of the person’s face after wrapping for the soul could recognized their body. Then mummy was placed into their painted which was decorated coffin.
The last step of mummification is the final procession was family and friends of the dead person would walk from the town to the burial place. If they have more people in the procession cried, the gods would see that this person was beloved and the dead person would have more chance for go to the after world [3]. Before the mummy was keep inside the burial place, they had the ceremony which called “Opening of the Mouth” for open their parts of body, the dead person could speak and

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