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Sexual Assault Research Paper

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The term assault is defined as the act of making a physical attack on a person. A sexual assault is defined as any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient. Sexual assault is a personal and destructive crime that leaves psychological effects on its victims. The individual responses will be different depending on the circumstances but in majority of the cases traumatic experiences may occur. Father daughter incest can cause the teenage girl to experience depression. Recognizing depression can be a challenge at times because its symptoms can easily be attributed to other causes. Depression becomes something more than just normal feelings of sadness when the symptoms last for more than two weeks. The symptoms of depression includes: Prolonged sadness or unexplained crying spells, significant change in weight or appetite, loss of energy or persistent fatigue, feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness or guilt, …show more content…
This is when memories of past traumas feels as if they are taking place in the current moment. These memories can take many forms: dreams, sounds, smells, images, body sensations or overwhelming emotions. These leave the individual feeling anxious, scared and powerless. It can also trigger any other emotions that were felt during the time of the trauma. Some flashbacks are mild and brief, a passing moment while others may be powerful and last a long time. Often times the victims may not even realize that they are having a flashback and may feel faint or disassociate which is a mental process in which ones thoughts and feelings may be separated from their immediate reality. Victims may also experience rape trauma which is a common reaction to rape or sexual assaults do is a normal human reaction to an unnatural or extreme event. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is also a normal human reaction that may occur as a result of an extreme or abnormal

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