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Gender Disparities In Crime Victimization Research

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This paper addresses the gender gap disparity between levels of fear of crime. Researcher Diedrik Cops, introduces the “fear of crime paradox,” in which those groups that reported the highest levels of fear (women and elderly), in reality have a lower risk of actually being victimized (Cops, 2010). Research taken from National Victimization Surveys (NCVS) indicated in Crime and Criminals, explains that crimes typically occur intraracially, meaning between races and the characteristics of victims tend to male; young (between the ages of twelve and twenty-four); and more likely to be African American than white; more likely to be Hispanic than non-Hispanic (Crime and Criminals, 44). Researchers Kathleen Fox, Mat Nobles, and Alex Piquero, use …show more content…
Of the limited research that focuses on specific types of crime victimization, most concentrate on crimes typically experienced by women, such as, sexual assault. Research performed by Jodi Lane, Angela Gover, and Dahod, introduces the “shadow of sexual assault” hypothesis, which argues that women’s fear of sexual assault shadows their fear of other types of crime, particularly violent crime. The “shadow of sexual assault” hypothesis has offered explanations to previous research as to why there is a disjunction between fear of crime and actual risk. The hypothesis further contends that women are more afraid than men of other crimes (e.g., harassment, burglary, assault or robbery) because these crimes may lead to sexual assault. Building on the previous research of Fisher (1996) and Fisher and Sloan (2003), the researcher’s present study examined the individual and combined impact of perceived risk and fear of sexual assault on fear of robbery and assault among college students. To gather the data, surveys were administered to undergraduates of the University of Florida. The surveys covered demographic and personal characteristics, previous victimization, opinions about campus law enforcement, crime prevention behaviors, lifestyle characteristics, and perceived risk and fear of crime. The researchers found that those who engaged in more preventative measures were more afraid, as previous researchers have argues that those who take more precautions are less afraid because they feel they have taken steps to protect themselves

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