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Why Is It Important To Clarify Question And Answer?

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How different the world must seem from generation to generation, society, and culture. Considering American history, its government, and all it entails: how government began, developed laws, established specific criteria for determining correctness/ fault with such laws, and for whom the law pertains, one may say when interpreting those laws today, what was once considered wrong is now presumed to be right, and that which was once right may be considered infallibly wrong. Clearly, we can see that America is a nation constructed of many different nationalities, cultures, beliefs, and backgrounds, with a ladder of diverse economic and sociological statuses. Undoubtedly, how one would initially interpret the correctness of each law will be determined by this criterion. For example, consider the responsibility of a jury when …show more content…
After all, the evidence presented may indeed be exaggerated, cut apart, distorted, or dishonest. However, the act of asking questions is done to consider an idea, fact or issue, as well as to explore or prove some certainty, event or phenomenon—done to obtain clarification, gain insight and develop answers. When we seek evidence, we seek things that are referred to, or employed, or relied upon, to demonstrate and determine some truth, fact or actuality (Garcia-Martinez, English 103). In this situation, there are many different types of evidence to consider such as, one’s opinion, confirmation by expertise or authority, personal experience, personal observation, witness or public testimony, and conjecture of quality and quantity. Interestingly, in the 1957 film adaptation of the popular play Twelve Angry Men, written by Reginald Rose, the director Sidney Lumet clearly sets cues for each form of evidence. These twelve men set an important picture of how personal experience, culture, and status may develop the way we think or act, as well as, how important it is to ask important questions despite of fear of standing alone or being

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