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Describe How To Identify An Active Drowning Accident

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This is designed as a quick review for lifeguards or anyone who would like to know about what the job of a lifeguard is like. Anyone can perform a rescue if there is the need. However, if this is something that interests you then what better way than to get certified through the Red Cross or any other program. This guide will take you through the process of rescuing an active drowning victim step-by-step.

Step 1: Know how to identify an Active Drowning Victim

It is important to know how to identify an active drowning victim. A drowning person will usually be going up and down in the water trying to catch air. The person will also show signs of trying to swim but no matter what they do they won’t seem to be able to move in any direction. The most …show more content…
These types of situations won’t happen just at a pool or waterpark. It can happen at a lake or at the beach where there might be many obstacles in the water that can prevent or hold you back from performing the rescue.

Make sure you check for obstacles before performing the rescue. Make sure you find a way to alert others of the situation. If you are at a pool, crowd control becomes vital.

Step 3: Perform the rescue

If you are getting into deep water make sure to always have some sort of flotation tool with you. A tube works best in this case.

Always have the tube strap on and the tube under your arms while swimming towards the victim. You can also let the tube go and let it drag behind you.

Step 4: Perform the right type of rescue

Since we are talking about an active victim, this means the victim is conscious. We can choose from two different types of rescue depending on the side from where you are approaching the victim.

If you are approaching the victim from the back then you would perform a Rear Approach Rescue. Otherwise, if you are approaching the victim from the front then you would use the Front Approach Rescue.

Step 5: Performing a Rear Approach

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