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Persuasive Technologies: Motivating Behavior Change

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There is growing evidence that persuasive technologies are effective tools for motivating behaviour change, influencing people, and promoting learning using various persuasive strategies [28, 29, 51]. Persuasive technologies (PTs) for health––which are designed as interventions with the primary purpose of changing a user’s behaviour or attitude without using coercion or deception [17, 50] have attracted the attention of researchers, physicians, and health practitioners as a novel approach for motivating desirable health behaviour using various persuasive strategies. Research has shown that persuasive technologies can be strategically designed to motivate desirable behaviour change; for example, to help people overcome addictive behaviours such …show more content…
Persuasion is often achieved using various persuasive strategies. Socially-oriented persuasive strategies competition, social comparison, and cooperation are the most widely and frequently employed strategies both in persuasive health technologies and other online support interventions because of their ability to leverage the power of social influence to motivate behaviour change. Socially-driven persuasive technologies are persuasive technologies that employ the socially-oriented strategies competition, social comparison, and cooperation to motivate behaviour change. Studies have shown that these socially-driven persuasive technologies can be effective for motivating desirable health behaviour change. As a result, researchers have applied socially-driven persuasive technologies for motivating behaviour change across several health domains including binge drinking prevention [32, 33, 40], drug and substance use prevention, HIV and STDs prevention and treatment [7], smoking cessation [22, 63], being physically active [45, 69] and healthy eating [35, 49, 54]. It has also been applied in the area of disease management including in teaching skills for self-management of type 1 diabetes [8] and asthma …show more content…
Although there are so many stories of successful socially-driven persuasive interventions with respect to their effectiveness [11, 39, 49, 54, 58], research has also shown that using socially-driven persuasive intervention as a tool to motivate behaviour change could be counterproductive [4, 37, 49, 64, 67]. For example, Palinkas et al. [56] in their evaluation of a socially-driven intervention for primary and secondary prevention of drug and alcohol use among multiethnic female adolescents found that the intervention was largely ineffective and mainly counterproductive as the prevalence of alcohol and drug use increased significantly over the intervention

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