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Managing Life Stages

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Identifying and Managing Life Stages
It is imperative that as individuals we examine, acknowledge, and recognize the general life stages across our lifespan. These life stages serve as a guideline for growth, and outline different milestones that we should have accomplished and surpassed; we are currently in; or that are forthcoming. The psychosocial theory developed by Erik H Erikson, addresses growth across the lifespan, identifying and differentiating central issues from infancy to elder hood (Newman & Newman, 2015 p.62). Our development at each stage is indicative of our ability to adapt, deal with challenges, and maintain personal equilibrium through learning and social interaction. The tasks that accompany each stage helps to …show more content…
Married, with one child, which is a lifestyle in its own respect, and I have a steady job. While I wouldn’t consider it mastery; I believe I have a thorough understanding of what’s expected of me at this point in my current life stage; the steps I needed to complete in my previous stage to get to where I am currently, and where my current steps will lead me. Maturation and mastery go hand in hand I believe because mastery of the issues in the adjoining stages come from having the maturity to wait for when the stage calls for the mastery of a developmental task. For example, childbearing is expected in the early adulthood stage; however it can occur as early as early adolescence. The psychosocial theory is all about society’s views and expectations of the individual so having intimate relationships and children at 15 wouldn’t be considered a norm. The first thing in question is your maturity level, and whether or not you can master later tasks in earlier stages. On the other hand, maturity also comes with the understanding that you may not master earlier tasks until later stages. With that said, my confidence with regard to the adjoining stages come with my understanding and maturation during each stage and developmental task; rather than my mastery of …show more content…
Societal demands vary from stage to stage (p. 71). However, resolution of these crises can be internally experimental. The central process, which focuses on how a person alters their self-concept and relates to society (p. 74), is discussed as the primary way to deal with psychosocial crisis. Psychoanalysis’s object relation’s theory shares the same ideas as psychosocial theory as well, delving into how the psyche relates to the environment (Murdock, 2013, p. 83). In the stage preceding the one I’m in now; the psychosocial crisis is individual identity versus identity confusion, and the central process resolution is role experimentation. If I were to describe this resolution, I would say that it is the active exploration and experimentation of different aspects of oneself. It is also the ability to let go of the feelings of tension between the internal self, and the external views and expectations of society. In my current stage the psychosocial crisis is intimacy versus isolation, and is resolved through mutuality among peers. This resolution to me means that there should be a commonality with regard to feelings and sentiments shared in your relationships; whether they are intimate or not. In the stage following, the crisis is generativity versus stagnation, and the resolution is person-environment fit and creativity. Simply this resolution would be described as

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