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Personal Narrative: A Career As A Dental Assistant

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Being a CNA was never something that crossed my mind until about 2-3 years ago. For the longest time, I had not known the job field in which I wanted to be in, and so I worked many odd jobs trying to find my place. I had thought about being a nurse while I was in high school but after graduation, I never went back to school. Eventually after working so many dead-end jobs, I finally looked into something that would push me into finding a steady career, so I became a dental assistant. I liked it, working with the patients and being somewhat in a medical field made me feel pretty good. Eventually I left that job after a few months, because I realized that maybe healthcare was the place I was meant to be. I had always loved those gross reality …show more content…
I had never had full personal contact with a complete stranger and I was about to learn how to take their vitals, bath complete strangers, clean up incontinent episodes, transfer people without hurting anyone and learn to perform CPR for the first time in case of a real-life situation. To me this was serious, and terrifying. Eventually throughout the program I gained confidence in my belonging there and once clinical came around, even though I was still nervous I felt comfortable. I picked things up fast and couldn’t wait to work in the real …show more content…
Yes, the clean-up can be gross at times but the people I get to take care of, I see all of them like family. Sometimes the patients I care for have no one but themselves. They have no spouses or children, sometimes a family friend or distant relative, but mostly it’s just them and getting to be a part of their life and caring for them I feel makes a difference. There are patients who have families that visit often and ones that have families but they aren’t willing to care for them. Everyone has a story and I love being the person who lends an ear for when they just want to tell life stories or talk. There have been many times where I have held someone’s hand or sat and talked with them a while because their confused minds were anxious or sometimes they just needed some reassurance. Not all of my patients are of an older generation either. Working outside of a nursing home and being in the hospital setting I have met such a wide variety of people. Being a part of my patients lives, even if it is for a short while really makes my heart happy. Whether it be putting smiles on their faces when they need it, or making sure that they feel as comfortable as possible during their stay. I have had much older and confused patients call out for family members who aren’t there and I have comforted them until they were able to rest. I’ve exchanged “I love you” to people who aren’t my family

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