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Volunteering Reflection

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I am volunteering at Venture Academy, as a tutor. The school that I volunteer at a small school that creates a space that allows students to be able through numerous course work (web design, woodwork, and physical education) and connect their interest to their academic interest. I was assigned three to help three different students to help throughout my three-hour shift. I walked into a classroom where students were given instruction to complete the work assigned by the teacher on their school site. The children would work on their laptop that was scattering around the room and with the teacher permission put on some music and they would complete their assigned homework for the day. I found this fascinating because when I went to school we would sit at our desks and listen to teachers lecture …show more content…
This expectation changed when I was assigned a student that wasn’t willing to do any work at all. I have tutored students before so I wasn’t so surprised. The first student that I was assigned had math worksheet that she wanted to help her with. It had been a long time since I had worked on fraction and exponents. I helped her best that I could and we actually did well. The skills that I had used as a tutor is being courteous and having a friendly personality, so the students that I am tutoring feels comfortable asking questions and does not feel bad if they don’t understand.

The second student completely refused to work with me so the teacher had asked me to work with another student that needed help. He also was working on math but it was much difficult than I thought. I had to ask the teacher myself if the answer that I had come with, with the help of the student were correct because sometimes the options given weren’t the same as the answers that I came up with. I would sometimes ask the student how they come up with some answers and they would teach

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