...Executive Summary Glossophobia is the fear of speaking in public settings. People with an anxiousness of public speaking likely either exhibit the phobia or similar symptoms related to the phobia. The purpose of this report is to find and understand ways to deal with public speaking anxieties as it is a common fear among the general population. This report focuses on defining glossophobia, or more commonly referred to as public speaking anxiety (PSA), and elaborating on strategies/tips for overcoming this phobia. Symptoms of public speaking anxiety can be feeling intense anxiety prior to, or at the thought of having to verbally communicate to a group of people. Another symptom would be feeling physical distress, nausea, or feelings of panic in some cases. Possessing good public speaking skills is a very important skill one can possess and having this skill to speak efficiently and effectively to an audience gives a person numerous advantages throughout their lifetime. This report is to help our audience understand the different ways of overcoming PSA in hopes of achieving a better communication process during presentations, work environments, or any situation that may require speaking in a public setting. This report focuses on six strategies to accomplish this: 1) preparation, which focuses on preparation of the speech and content before the actual speech; 2) know your audience, which helps for a better communication process of the message; 3) creating an outline, which...
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...of communication can be adapted to various situations such as a class presentation, informal group discussions, wedding speeches, motivational speeches, political addresses, addressing a meeting or even debates, and all are considered as forms of public speaking. For a presentation to be successful, step-by-step preparation, method of delivery and means of presenting the information is premium. Presenting information clearly and effectively is a key skill to get your message or opinion across and, today, presentation skills are required in almost every field. Whether you are a student, administrator or executive, if you wish to start up your own business, presenting a wedding speech or stand for an elected position, you may very well be asked to make a presentation. PREPARATION Preparation is the single most important part of making a successful presentation. This is the crucial foundation and you should dedicate as much time to it as possible avoiding short-cuts. Not only will good preparation ensure that you have thought carefully about the messages that you want (or need) to communicate in you presentation but it will also help boost your confidence. In order to prepare for a good presentation, ask yourself these 5 questions: What is the purpose of the presentation? What outcome(s) do you and the audience expect? Will this be a formal or informal discussion? Different talks have different purposes and determining the objective of your topic will determine...
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...to know you have properly prepared. The stage fright or speech anxiety felt by many speakers is due to not knowing enough about the speaking environment or the audience. The more you know about your speaking environment and your audience, the more relaxed you will be when delivering your speech. Many speakers, however, often overlook the need to include any kind of audience analysis as part of their speech preparation. Proper audience analysis will assure that you give the right speech to the right audience. Most professional speakers send their clients a multi-page questionnaire in order to gather enough information about them and the speaking event to properly customize their speeches. Using the word "A-U-D-I-E-N-C-E" as an acronym, I have defined some general audience analysis categories that these surveys should include. A nalysis - Who are they? How many will be there? U nderstanding - What is their knowledge of the subject? D emographics - What is their age, sex, educational background? I nterest - Why are they there? Who asked them to be there? E nvironment - Where will I stand? Can they all see & hear me? N eeds - What are their needs? What are your needs as the speaker? C ustomized - What specific needs do you need to address? E xpectations - What do they expect to learn or hear from you? Develop specific questions which fit into each of these eight categories and ask the client or audience to tell you what they want. Essentially, ask them what...
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...PELINGON RUCEL CHARISSE BSRT2-C LEVELS OF COMMUNICATION Levels of communication are determined on the basis of the number of people involved in the process of communication as well as on the purpose of communication. These levels of communication are depicted 5.1. Intrapersonal Communication Intrapersonal communication refers to communication with the self. It may be silent or verbal type of communication. Intrapersonal type of communication approximates with the thinking process, in which the person consciously sends information to himself/herself in order to analyze a situation. This communication strategy is particularly useful when someone has to make important life decisions or is facing a conflicting situation. “Positive self-talk” is a type of intrapersonal communication that can be used as a tool to improve the nurses or client's health and self-esteem. 5.2. Interpersonal Communication It refers to one-to-one interaction between two persons that often occurs face to face. The purpose of interpersonal communication is to share information, opinion, ideas, and so on Interpersonal communication can be further divided into three types: Figure 1.7 Types of Interpersonal Communication 5.2.1. Assertive Communication It is a type of interpersonal communication that has the following characteristics: * Confidently expressing what you think, feel, and believe. * Raising voice for your rights while respecting the rights of others. * Conveying meaning and expectations...
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...with computer literacy, professional presentation skills are becoming a new survival skill in the workplace. People enjoy presenters who are inviting, engaging and informative. Are you nervous about your public speaking skills? Developing and delivering business presentations, just like most functions in business, are formulaic and are a learned skill. Learn the formula, practice the skill and you will gain competency as a presenter. Here are some of the fundamentals of presentations to help you build your skill. Planning Your Presentation In creating your presentation, think like a reporter and answer the "who, what, why, how, and where" questions. Who will attend--and how many? Aim the content of presentation to your audience, and the choice of visuals to meet the needs of your group. Visuals need to be visible to everyone. What is the purpose of the presentation? Is it to explain a plan or project; to tell people what to do--and how; report on what's been done; get support for an idea; define or solve a problem; gain consensus for a decision; provide training; or encourage motivation. Why are they there? Is attendance mandatory? Any time anyone attends a meeting, they will always be asking themselves, "What's in it for me?" Be sure you answer that question for them. What information is needed to support your purpose? How will you present it? Keep your points short, concise and understandable to your audience. Use visuals to clarify and reinforce your message. Where...
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...\ILOCOS SUR POLUTECHNIC STATE COLLEGE SOUH CLUSTER, TAGUDIN CAMPUS COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES REPORT: NATURE OF PUBLIC SPEAKING TEACHER: MRS. MAUREEN STA. ANA REPORTERS: SIBAYAN, MARVIN B. BULAY, FABRO, ____________________________________________________________ Public Speaking is the process and act of speaking or giving a lecture to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain a listening audience. Public speaking is commonly understood as face-to-face speaking between individuals and an audience for the purpose of communication. It is closely allied to "presenting", although the latter is more often associated with commercial activity. 10 Tips for Public Speaking Feeling some nervousness before giving a speech is natural and even beneficial, but too much nervousness can be detrimental. Here are some proven tips on how to control your butterflies and give better presentations: 1. Know your material. Pick a topic you are interested in. Know more about it than you include in your speech. Use humor, personal stories and conversational language – that way you won’t easily forget what to say. 2. Practice. Practice. Practice! Rehearse out loud with all equipment you plan on using. Revise as necessary. Work to control filler words; Practice, pause and breathe. Practice with a timer and allow time for the unexpected. 3. Know the audience. Greet some of the audience members as they arrive...
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...COM 114 WRITTEN EXAM AND SPEECH REQUIREMENTS Part 1: Written Exam The written exam, 50 multiple choice questions, is based on the COM 114 text, Effective Presentations, 1st or 2nd edition (2011, 2012), by Dr. Melanie Morgan and Jane Natt. Copies of the text are available in campus bookstores, from online sources, and from previous COM 114 students. Students must score 70% (35 out of 50 correct) or more to pass. One hour is allotted for the exam. Students will be informed of the results of the written exam via email within 24 hours, and then assigned a speech date and time if applicable. STAR students will have their results at the end of the exam session they attend, and will be assigned their speaking date and time before leaving the location. At the beginning of each chapter in the text is a list of “Chapter Objectives”. Every question on the exam is based on one of those objectives. To be successful on the exam, a student will need to be able to recognize, define and apply the text material in many different situations. Part 2: Persuasive Speech The persuasive speech is discussed in some length in the text in Chapters 9 through 12. Evaluators will expect students to be acquainted with the format of this type of speech. A persuasive speech urges some specific course of action. As a persuasive speech, the presentation should (1) show that a problem exists and that it is significant to the audience, (2) show how the consequences of the problem are significant to the audience,...
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...English for Presentations & Public Speaking Useful phrases, vocabulary and tips January 15, 2008 Authored by: Geoffrey Smih Contents PREPARATION ............................................................................................................. 3 OBJECTIVE ................................................................................................................... 3 AUDIENCE .................................................................................................................... 3 VENUE ......................................................................................................................... 3 TIME AND LENGTH ........................................................................................................ 3 METHOD ...................................................................................................................... 3 CONTENT ..................................................................................................................... 4 STRUCTURE ..................................................................................................................... 5 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 5 2 BODY OF PRESENTATION ............................................................................................ 5 3 CONCLUSION .......................................................................................
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...Basics of Public Speaking ~ A Step by Step Guide to Successful Presentations ~ Lesson 1 - The Basics of Public Speaking Surveys show that more people are afraid of speaking in public than of dying! This is not only amazing, it is also quite a problem because being able to speak well in public is an important skill in many careers. Being able to speak well is also valuable in getting a good job in the first place. Learn public speaking skill from these articles and you will not only have more success on the job. Being able to get up in front of an audience and give a speech will greatly increase your confidence. The writer of these articles is a professional teacher with 20 years experience helping people speak more effectively. In addition to the articles, you can watch carefully chosen speeches, with comments added, that will show you how to be a great speaker. Before getting into details, here are five tips to help you get going: 1. Don't try to memorize a speech. Instead, use the "key points" approach, described in detail in Lesson 2. 2. Start strong with an interesting opening. It doesn't have to be brilliant, but it has to get the audience focused on your topic. Various ways to do this will be explained in Lesson 5. 3. Don't speak too fast! This is a very common problem as nervous speakers try to finish as quickly as possible. Instead, take your time, and your audience will listen more attentively. 4. Be careful when using visual aids, including (especially...
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...091C702029 |TOPIC 3: PUBLIC SPEAKING |OCTOBER 27 | | |2011 | TABLE OF CONTENT I Introduction………………………………..3 II Body • Sec 1: General statement about public speaking …........................................3 • Sec 2: The important role of public speaking, and difficulties………….....3 • Sec 3: How to prepare a good speech………………………………………......4 • Sec 4: how to improve public speaking skill………………………………8 III Conclusion…………………………..……….12 IV Reference list……………………………...13 INTRODUCTION C an you think of any memorable talk or presentation you have ever attended? It is sad to know that most of the presentations are easy to forget, especially when the main reason behind the presentation was to communicate something to you. Therefore, it is important to know how to transfer effectively the information to the others. Moreover, the world is open and nations are integrated together. Hence, exchange information and negotiation is very important. Obviously, communication is the most essential skill at the moment, specifically public speaking. Public speaking is not a new trend in current...
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...memorization skills, how to present themselves in front of an audience, how to think on their feet, and how to be confident in everyday situations. Preparation for these speech contests teach research and memorization skills. FFA speeches must be delivered in six to eight minutes by memory, and are followed by five minutes of questions...
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...In life we perform various actions of which before performing we do not think the consequences of; it is only after experiencing the effects of it that we are able to highlight the causes. People behave the way the way they do because of their past, their past experiences in life, how they were treated, and what events occurred in their life, what paths and methods they were influenced or forced to chose. All these can be causes for a person behaving or acting the way he does. Same is the case with me. I did not realize the actions I did were good or bad until I saw the side effects of them. The side effects were evident through the different events that occurred in my life later on. The realization came to me only after experiencing those events. The realization was a gradual process.(transition) Few months back I got admission in IBA, in the field of BBA. It is considered to be one of the top universities for bachelors in business administration in Pakistan. In the first couple of weeks everything sailed smoothly, and I thought I was on top of the world. But as the saying goes, everything that goes up must come down, and so I to had a downfall. As time passed on I noticed and felt something strange. Every day I used to have that same feeling. It was as if I was lacking in something, maybe it was that I could not fit with my mates, or not enjoying the university life. For about a weak I could not figure out what had went wrong, and what I should do. But the day finally arrived...
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...the best there is. Rather, it is following the philosophy of appreciating what you have, living your life as a champion, and enjoying the adventure of life by helping others enjoy theirs. Questions you may have include: • What should be appreciated? • How does one live as a champion? • Why help others? This lesson will answer those questions. There is a mini-quiz near the end of the lesson. [pic][pic][pic]Appreciation Appreciate and be thankful of what you have, especially concerning your public speaking or its effect on your career. Don't take your speaking or job for granted. Even the worst job is better than no job at all. If you are presently out of work, appreciate your friends and family. Be thankful that you have skills and abilities. These will all be important in getting your next position. Live as a champion To live your life as a champion means to always seek to stay healthy, knowledgeable, excellent, valuable and honorable. Health You can't speak very effectively if you don't feel well. You should take care of your physical and emotional health, so that do what you want and need to do. If you are healthy, you simply feel good. Knowledge and skill A speaker needs to continually improve his or her knowledge in speaking techniques and subject matters. If you are knowledgeable and skilled, then your self-esteem will blossom. Excellence You must do your best and be able to to achieve your goals. Persistence...
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...Mastering A Skill 1 Mastering the Skill of Public Speaking The intent of this essay is to outline the benefits of mastering the skill of public speaking. I believe public speaking is one of the singular most important skills a person can master. The art of public speaking has a myriad of benefits associated with it. It allows one to effectively communicate their points of view to others in a public forum as well as a private forum. Looking at our history will give demonstrative proof that mastering public speaking has a tremendous effect not only on the audience but the speaker as well. An example of such would be simply looking at the great leaders of our past. One example would be Martin Luther King. When reviewing, with close scrutiny, Martin Luther King giving public speeches, one realizes that how a speech is given clearly affects its effectiveness. He alone was responsible for affecting the ideals as well as changing the minds and values of millions of people to be congruent with his own. Even today, his speeches are studied in public speaking courses across America. From the inflection of his voice to the tonality of his voice, as well as the rate of which he spoke. Even the unnoticed pauses between points of interest are only a few studied attributes of his speeches. Another great example would be John F. Kennedy. He too was a great persuasive communicator. He is one who comes to mind to a large percent of people who are asked who they think of...
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...To: Prof. Mellisa Rickard From: Sumit Maharjan and Raj Khatri Date: Jan 29, 2014 Subject: Proposal to write a report on how to overcome the fear of Public Speaking. Purpose To help individual overcome the fear of Public Speaking by understanding their fear and taking the plunge to get over those fears. We purpose to research and write a background report on the issues involved on overcoming the fear of public speaking. Background of the Problem Public speaking is not a talent that anyone could have. In fact, it is a way of learning skills and could build up by individual’s own will. It could be lot easier if a person enrolls himself in speaking groups, where he will be able to build up his confidence of speaking and also spruce his skills. It could be challenging at first and might sound counter intuitive. But this is the first way to alleviate one’s confidence which plays a major role in terms of speaking. However, involvement in such groups also helps to be socially active, regardless of how intimidated one is and also able to meet new people and learn new things. For some speaking in front of strangers can be completely shadowy because they don’t know the audience and get fear of getting judged for giving an appealing presentation. Despite of the fact, they should be able to take the criticism positively instead of dwelling on criticism which will lead them to success. They should always be passionate about what they do and love the negative feedback. Once...
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