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Fungal Meningitis Research Paper

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Spinal Meningitis
Meningitis instantly can strike and the impact of that strike can forever last a lifetime. Meningitis is the inflammation and infection of the meninges that surround your brain and spinal cord. It can cause the tissues around the brain to swell and could be life threatening. In this research paper I will discuss the different kinds of meningitis and how they affect you. Meningitis is a dangerous infection because the brain is so delicate and fragile.
Meningitis can advance very quickly because of the infection around the brain and spinal cord. This infection can be bacterial, viral or fungal. People and children under the age of 20 are at a higher risk. The antibiotics given are very strong and powerful and often can …show more content…
One form of this disease and the most common is cryptoccus neoformans. This is found in soil and other environments. Fungal meningitis occurs mainly in AIDS patients, people with a weakened immune system, but can happen in healthy people as well. It is treatable, but often will reoccur in half of the people it affects (www.NINDS, 2017). Symptoms are similar to the others fever, stiff neck, and headache. In order to diagnose this form of meningitis blood can be drawn or the cerebrospinal fluid is collected around the spinal cord. Fungal meningitis is treated with high doses of antifungal medications through …show more content…
Hearing loss can be caused by many factors, but one factor can be an infection of bacterial meningitis. Over 30% of bacterial meningitis can cause a degree of hearing loss that can lead to profound deafness. Gallaudet Institute stated that 3.2% of youth that have been diagnosed with hearing loss had suffered from meningitis. This infection is the second common cause of hearing loss ( There are two reasons that hearing loss can happen: the first is the death of nerve endings, which are the hair cells in the cochlea. The cochlea is the auditory of the inner ear. This can cause mild hearing loss and damage to the cochlea. Once that damage occurs to the cochlea, that is what can cause severe or profound hearing loss. Hearing aids can be used with a mild hearing loss, while a cochlear implant can aid in help with a severe/profound hearing loss.( If the treatment is quick enough you can reverse hearing loss. During the first two days of this illness is believed when hearing loss occurs and if medicine is started it can help or stop it. This is just an interesting fact: a study stated that people with dark eyes are less likely to contract meningitis hearing loss than that of people with light eyes.

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