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Andy Warhol's Famous Pop Art

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Andy Warhol is a Famous Pop Art artist. He is known as the ‘Father of Pop Art.’ Andy Warhol’s quirky art, astounding Business sense, and love for a good party made him one of the most influential personalities of his generation. Warhol Pursed fame and popularity nearly as intensely as art and filmmaking. Beneath the beauty of his work, Warhol was shy and quiet, he reportedly hired look-a-likes to speak for him at engagements.
Warhol was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on August 6, 1928. He was the youngest of three sons born to Slovakian immigrants Julia and Ondrej Warhola. Andy displayed an early talent for drawing at the family home. Andy’s real last name was originally Warhola, but he dropped the last ‘a’ in ‘Warhola’ to create his memorable …show more content…
Then Warhol moved to New York City to pursue commercial art. Success came rather quickly to Warhol, glamour magazine featured his work in September of 1949. In the following decade, Warhol prospered, winning many awards from the Art Directors Club and Americans Institute of Graphic Arts.
One of the most popular Pop Art of Andy Warhol is when he painted Marilyn Monroe (shown on the title page). Warhol did portraits of Campbells Soup cans, Coca-Cola bottles, and Hollywood Stars, for example; Marilyn Monroe. Warhol painting Marilyn Monroe made him a world-renowned artist. Being the artist of a celebrity, he said; “In the future everyone will be world famous for fifteen minutes.”
One of his most famous painting is of Marilyn Monroe. Her hair is a sunflower yellow color, and her skin is a pale peach color. Her eye shadow is a baby blue color, and her eyes have a purple look to them. Monroe’s lipstick is a deep bright red and her earrings are turquoise. The background of the painting is a pumpkin …show more content…
Hockney says that to capture a person’s personality a portrait needs, “to be directed through my heart, to my eyes, to my hands.” He also says that newer technologies cannot capture the essence of a person in the way a painted portrait can.
Hockney studied century’s worth of paintings and eventually presented a theory that he knew would shock the artistic world. He suggested that masters like Caravaggio and Rembrandt used lenses to essentially trace some of their finest works. Both of Hockney's ideas drew both staunch support and harsh criticism. He wrote the book “Secret Knowledge” to discuss his theory; a documentary on the subject later followed.
June 2007 was Hockney’s 70th birthday. It was the first time he exhibited five new painting from his East Yorkshire landscape series. Hockney was intrigued by Yorkshire as a teenager, but it wasn't until decades later that he use the area for artistic inspiration.
When Hockney was preparing to paint a landscape, he would study a scene before touching his paint brush. The Tate Britain said Hockney’s work “conveys the land and light in electric color, bringing to the canvases his love of place, freshly observed and infused by decades of experience and the memories that it conjures of childhood

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