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Essay On Inequality In America

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Minorities, females, and children are all impacted by inequality in the United States. Ethnic minorities and females are impacted by double standards, job inequality, profiling, and discrimination. Children are taught racism and profiling which keeps hatred and negativity going.
Minorities in the United States are considered anyone who is visually a different ethnicity than white/Caucasian or a female. I say visually because we are all a mixture of races; however, some are more visually, stereotypically, dominant in a specific ethnicity.
When I attend my high school, there is little diversity. This is not because of standards, Licking Valley is a public high school; thus, anyone is welcome to come and receive an education. On the other hand, when I attend COTC, I have come to notice much more diversity than I was previously exposed to. It is a nice change of pace; in turn, I like to learn about other cultures and understanding other ethnicities.
What I have noticed, however, is that housing in the Licking Valley district is typically more expensive than Newark housing. This could play a role in the amount of diversity between Licking Valley and schools like Newark High School and COTC. Due to job discrimination, this is a domino …show more content…
This makes it harder for these individuals to become employed over white citizens. An individual that is Caucasian versus an individual that is a different ethnicity or a female with the same credentials and experience, going head to head for a job, the individual that is Caucasian is more than likely to get the job. This is prejudice and discrimination. Therefore, I have noticed once you get higher up on the job chain within the United States, ethnicity wise it becomes more and more white dominate. This causes profiling issues and creates stereotypes that individuals perceive to be

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