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Anesthetic Monitoring Answers

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The following instructions are how to monitor several different vitals as well as how to analyze anesthetic gas on the “PRITI5 All in One Anesthesia Monitoring System.” The monitoring system has 5 major features that will require description and instruction.
 ECG monitoring - A waveform on the screen that shows how the electrical conduction through the heart creates a certain type of rhythm.
 Non Invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring (NIBP) - External device that measures blood pressure with a cuff on the patients arm or leg. (Normal BP 120/80 for adult sized.)
 Arterial Line Monitoring - A form of monitoring Blood Pressure
 Oximeter Monitoring - Measures oxygen delivery at the capillary level and depicted by number on the screen from 0-100%. …show more content…
To change default alarms and/or volumes: Touch the screen display either on the individual waveform/readout or the right lower corner to bring up the pop up list.
1. To choose which leads to monitor, press or touch the ECG waveform. (Several options to change the reading will appear)
2. Choose the option for Change Lead and then choose which leads to monitor in.
3. Choose the option for Change Size to increase or decrease the size of the waveform.
4. Choose the color option to visualize the waveform on the monitor. (Several choices available)
5. Select the option for ST segment monitoring, if desired and appropriate for the case and patient type.

 Non Invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring (NIBP) -
IMPORTANT Anesthesia delivery can alter blood pressure significantly.
NOTE: Pediatric patients have lower blood pressure and require different sized cuffs than adults for accurate reading.
1. Select appropriate BP cuff size for the patient and attach the cable to the cuff
2. Select the NIBP selection on the screen and choose: manual or automatic readings.
3. Select the NIBP selection on the screen and set the time limits to activate the

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