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Week 7 Paper


Submitted By mdkevin98
Words 4838
Pages 20
HSM 543

Health Services Finance

Spring 2013

Trends Toward the Innovations of Integrated Healthcare Service Systems


The healthcare industry is a large and dynamic sector with many unique characteristics. It includes hospitals, health systems, ambulatory clinics, medical group practices, and other organizations providing health-care services. Business and leaders must be well equipped in traditional management knowledge and practices to manage the unique aspects of the health-services industry. The success of the new Health Care Reform depends on the cost, types of coverage and technological advances. Careful elevation and true quality assurance programs will reduce some the nepotism that goes on in our system. This will allow the best person, business, or technology to be used as it is needed. The innovation that has been created over the past ten years have allowed for improvements as well as lowering the mortality rate. Japan system allows for frequent health checks and even house calls are being done electronically. This paper looks at various costs of the Healthcare system, technological alternatives available in the Healthcare system and look at the pros and cons of different options available.

History of the United States Healthcare

If we compare the quality of health care today with the health care prevailing a century ago, it has dramatically improved and quality of care provided today is far better, but at the same time the health care system has become very complex, confusing and to some extent inefficient in spite of the burgeoning cost of health care. Expectations today have grown rapidly with the advancement in the health care technology. Medical technology, training, technique and facilities have all improved substantially.

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